
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

Your feedback

“It was great to reconnect with so many old friends and with European science. I have a new appreciation for the Alumni organization!”

Dirk Bohmann, Professor, University of Rochester
(EMBL:  1989-2000, Group Leader, Developmental Biology)

“An unforgettable and magnificent occasion. I felt somehow I had come ‘home’ and it is amazing that you all managed to make ancient alumni feel so very welcome and significant.”

Melanie Price Hirt, Senior Researcher, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV
(EMBL: 1987-1991, Postdoc, Di Lauro group, Genome Biology)

“It was a truly memorable event and a great way to celebrate EMBL’s 40th birthday and its many achievements. I feel very proud to be associated with EMBL and all the good things it represents”

Angus Lamond, Professor, University of Dundee
(EMBL: 1987 – 1995, Group Leader and Senior scientist , Genome Biology)

“I really enjoyed the time I spent at EMBL for the celebration. You all did a great job to organise everything and it was really nice to meet again people I used to work and have fun with some 20 years ago!!!”

Thierry Gautier, Assistant Professor, Institut A. Bonniot
(EMBL: 1993-1995, Postdoc, Hurt group, Cell Biology and Biophysics)

“I was overwhelmed. It was so great, so much fun, so impressive, I enjoyed myself immensely and was happy to meet so many friends from years back.“

Ruth Jelinek, Technician, Institute for Physiological Chemistry
(EMBL: 1990-1993, Research Technician, Simons group, Cell Biology and Biophysics)

“We are very glad, honored and proud to have spent these very special and exiting two days together with the EMBL family which gave us the feeling of being part of it.”

Roland Specker and Carolin Häublein, Guests and John Kendrew Award sponsors

“It was a party worth waiting 40 years for.  Well done all round and thanks for the memories!”

Des Higgins, Professor, University College Dublin
(EMBL: 1990-1996, Group Leader, EMBL-EBI)

“It was a really fantastic event and I really enjoyed the opportunity to see so many friendly faces again. I think the large number of people who attended is a great testament to what EMBL means to all of us.”

Martin Jinek, Assistant Professor, University of Zurich
(EMBL: 2002-2007, Postdoc, Conti group, Structural and Computational Biology)

“I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed every single second at EMBL – what a fabulous event.”

Marc Brehme, Scientific Assistant to the Director, CeMM
(EMBL: 2004-2005, Student, Furlong group, Developmental Biology)

“You indeed did a terrific job. It was perfect! So emotional to meet so many old friends -in such a great atmosphere.”

Gareth Griffiths, Professor, University of Oslo
(EMBL: 1977 – 2009, Group Leader, Cell Biology and Biophysics)

“It turned out to be much more fun than we could have expected: it was lovely to see so many old friends together in one place.  And many of us left determined to add our recollections to the growing number of accounts in the Archive.  I definitely plan to do so.”

Graham Tebb, Research Manager, University of Veterinary Medicine
(EMBL:  1985-1988, Predoc , Mattaj group, Genome Biology)

“What a party!! Terrific science, great fun and lovely old and new friends. Just the perfect combination.”

Maria del Mar Vivanco, Group Leader, CIC bioGUNE
(EMBL: 1987-1991, Predoc , Stunnenberg group, Genome Biology)

“Die zwei Tage am letzten Wochenende bei euch waren fantastisch. Ein dickes Lob an euren Koch und sein Team… und ebenfalls für die Light-Show an der Außenfassade der HELIX… gigantisch, habe es echt genossen.”

Andreas Hammer, Diplom Ing. Architekt, Bernhardt + Partner, Darmstadt
(Member of the architect’s team who designed and built the EMBL ATC)

“Wonderful and inspiring – a memorable occasion!”

Anastasia Politou, Assistant Professor, Medical School, University of Ioannina
(EMBL: 1991-1995, Postdoc, Pastore group, Structural and Computational Biology)

“Thanks again for a great nostalgic meeting”

Erwin Wagner, Group Leader, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
(EMBL: 1983-1988, Group Leader, Developmental Biology)

“I wasn’t quite sure what to expect beforehand but then it became two very enjoyable days with the perfect mixture of fun and seriousness!”

Thomas Schneider, Group Leader, EMBL Hamburg

“THANK YOU for giving EMBL such a great time!!!”

Helke Hillebrand, Academic Coordinator and Dean of Graduate Studies, EMBL International Centre for Advanced Training (EICAT)
