
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

EMBL in… Germany, September 2007

Local Chapter get-together at the ELSO Meeting in Dresden, Germany

Konrad Müller and Lennart Philipson

Thanks to the efforts of ELSO Secretary General and EMBL Alumni Association Board member Konrad Müller, EMBL staff and alumni enjoyed a get-together at the ELSO meeting in Dresden on September 2, following on from the first such event in 2005. The occasion was very well-attended, attracting alumni from all ranks, including former EMBL DG Lennart Philipson.

Lecture Room

Talks included Daniel Louvard’s outline of Alumni Association services, Matthias Hentze’s latest EMBL news and Kai Simons’ portrayal of EMBL alumni culture in Dresden. For most attendees, the three talks were followed by an impromptu dinner date and a chance to catch up informally. EMBL and the Alumni Association would like to thank ELSO for organising and sponsoring this event, the excellent venue and generous refreshments.
