Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators
EMBL alumni in Greece met for their 6th annual weekend meeting on 30th June – 1st July in Dilofo, Ioannina to exchange latest research, hear about EMBL infrastructure access projects such as P-CUBE and BioStruct-X from EMBL Joint Head of Structural and Computational Biology Unit Christoph Müller, and to discuss how to reinforce relations between life scientists in Greece and EMBL.
In considering “measurable” ways in which EMBL could contribute to the recovery and development of Greek science, participants suggested for EMBL to:
Through the Alumni Relations Office, EMBL will look into ways of organising an EMBL event in Greece, open also to scientists outside the alumni network. It was agreed that the materialisation of any of these suggestions should be advertised by EMBL, the Greek local chapter and the scientific associations in Greece.
Greek alumni would like to thank EMBL and the EMBL Alumni Association for supporting this meeting.
Anastasia Politou