
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

EMBL World Alumni Day

World Alumni Day 2023

World Alumni Day 2023 will take place on Friday 7 July 2023, and offers participants a chance to celebrate the global alumni community, hear about the latest developments at EMBL and meet the winners of the 2023 EMBL Alumni Awards.

World Alumni Day 2022

World Alumni Day 2022 took place on Friday 8 July 2022, and offered participants a chance to celebrate the global alumni community, heard about the latest developments at EMBL and meet the winners of the 2022 EMBL Alumni Awards.

World Alumni Day 2021

World Alumni Day 2021 took place online on Friday 16 July 2021, and offered participants a chance to celebrate the global alumni community, hear about the latest developments at EMBL and meet the winners of the 2021 EMBL Alumni Awards.

World Alumni Day 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, World Alumni Day 2020 on 17 July took place entirely online. It featured for the first time a Q&A with the Alumni Association board and insights into the next EMBL programme from Director General Edith Heard.

World Alumni Day 2019

Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the EMBL Alumni Association, the first EMBL World Alumni Day took place on Friday 19 July 2019 in Heidelberg, broadcast to alumni globally via live stream.
