1st German Chapter Meeting – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

1st German Chapter Meeting

EMBL alumni in Germany, from former predocs to Unit Coordinators, met in Heidelberg during the Summer Party on 14 July to discuss their science and career paths after leaving EMBL. This, the first German Local Chapter Meeting, provided staff and alumni the opportunity to share tips on life after EMBL and find out about potential collaborations.

The meeting, which began with a welcome by Iain Mattaj, was a great success, with stimulating talks by Christoph Niehrs, Gaia Tavosanis, Marek Cyrklaff and Ralf Jansen, a colourful EMBL update by Matthias Hentze and a creative discussion on what should be offered at future meetings, led by Claudia Koch-Brandt and Freddy Frischknecht.

One issue which emerged was the unanimous wish to involve more EMBL staff who would benefit from an awareness of the science undertaken by EMBL alumni in Germany and the issues they encounter after leaving. To this end, a popular suggestion was to hold these meetings during working hours, or in the winter to coincide with the EMBL Burns’ Night party. Finally, the event was rounded off nicely with one of Claus Himburg’s famous giant strawberry cakes!


14:00Iain Mattaj, Director General, EMBL
Michael Boutros, Group Leader, DKFZ, Heidelberg
14:15Christoph Niehrs, Head of Department, DKFZ, HeidelbergFrogs, Embryos & Genes
14:45Gaia Tavosanis, Group Leader, MPI for Neurobiology, MunichDendrite differentiation in a small brain
15:15Marek Cyrklaff, Group Leader, MPI for Biochemistry, MartinsriedCryo-electron tomography of whole cells
15:45 Coffee Break
16:15Ralf Jansen, Professor, University of MunichGetting the message across (a cell)
16:45Matthias Hentze, Associate Director, EMBLEMBL today and tomorrow
17:15Claudia Koch-Brandt, Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
Freddy Frischknecht, Group Leader, University of Heidelberg
Discussion: Alumni Future Meetings
18:15 EMBL Summer Party: grill and entertainment

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