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Angus Lamond – Juggling science and fun – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

Angus Lamond – Juggling science and fun

In his last Alumni Association board meeting in November 2008, Angus Lamond stepped down after sixs years as Chair. “If EMBL is paradise, then you could say that leaving it is hell. That must make me, as Chair of the Alumni Association, Satan”, he once joked.

This title will now go to Angus’ successor, Giulio Superti-Furga, who was elected Chair with Niovi Santama as Deputy Chair in the last meeting. Angus wished them and the board good luck in taking the Association forward in future: “It was a privilege for me to have had the opportunity to work with the Alumni Association and many thanks again to everyone who helped with all of our activities over the past years,” he concluded.

Under Angus’ leadership, the Association has grown to boast 1413 members with 6 active local chapters. He will be remembered not only for everything he has done for the Association, but also for his sense of fun, which made the board meetings so lively and entertaining.

“My motto has always been that science should be fun!” says Angus, who started at EMBL at the tender age of 27 as a group leader and later senior scientist in the Gene Expression unit. “EMBL showed me that it was possible to stick to this philosophy and still be [relatively] successful.”

It’s a motto that Angus has retained to-date, 13 years after leaving EMBL. His lab, in the new research centre which he established at Dundee University, attracts co-workers from all over the world. Indeed Angus notes that “my laboratory is currently even more international than it was at EMBL!”

Their website won the Judge’s Choice Award in The Scientist‘s 2007 Laboratory Web Site Awards. Here you will find not only information on “The Science”, but also “The Fun”, containing links to “webcams”, “films” and “kids section”, as well as footage on Angus juggling – all well worth a visit!

Angus’ advice to people leaving EMBL? “Remember to really enjoy what you are doing [science should be fun!] and value and respect your colleagues. Finally, surround yourself with people who are much more talented than you are and feel no shame in taking vicarious credit for their abilities!

Last but not least, remember to join the EMBL Alumni Association and keep in touch.”

Iain Mattaj and Matthias Hentze thanked Angus at the board dinner for his fantastic work in running the Association.

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