EMBL Alumni Association board election results – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

EMBL Alumni Association board election results

Thank you to the 274 members who voted in the Alumni Association board elections between 15th August and 30th September 2008. The results are:

1. New board members

Giulio Superti-Furga
Maria del Mar Vivanco
Anastasia Politou
Anastasios Koutsos
Cedric Notredame

2. Continuing board members

Annalisa Pastore
Freddy Frischknecht
Bernard Hoflack
Colin Dingwall
Claudia Koch-Brandt
Niovi Santama
Giovanni Paolella
Oddmund Bakke

3. Treasurer

Oscar Martin-Almendral

All successful candidates accepted their position, and attended the 12th Alumni Association board meeting at EMBL Heidelberg on Monday 3rd November 2008, where they elected Giulio Superti-Furga as the new Chair and Niovi Santama as Deputy Chair.

The Alumni Association board were delighted that Andreas Jenny and Patricia Rogriguez have agreed to act as Local Chapter Organizers for the USA and Italy respectively.  

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