Valerie Hilgers on Singapore – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

Valerie Hilgers on Singapore

New lab, land and non-stop BBQ weather

Valerie Hilgers graduated on Lab Day, 11 June 2010, but unlike most, who walked from the lab or travelled from an Outstation to collect their awards, Valerie flew 13 hours from Singapore!

In 2007, when Steve Cohen moved to Singapore to direct the Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (TLL) he took with him most of his lab members, including a reluctant Valerie. “I was not happy about moving to Singapore and leaving my EMBL friends,” said Valerie, describing her departure from EMBL Heidelberg and lamenting the loss of friends, facilities and canteen!

Arriving eight months after the rest of Steve’s Group she found that the laboratory was already operating and she could quickly start work. “English is an official language in Singapore so there are no language barriers. Within a short period I had met many new colleagues from the large postdoc community, resulting in some really good friendships.”

“Great science in Singapore is equally matched with a great lifestyle there. One’s motivation to work is in constant competition with non-stop BBQ weather and the opportunity to travel and go diving in nearby Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and India.”

“Living conditions are also very good as postdocs receive a housing allowance with which they can afford to share modern apartment buildings complete with pool, gymnasium, BBQ facilities and tennis courts. The selection of cuisine is amazing too – Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Singaporean and Indian, and all very affordable.”

Valerie hasn’t lost contact with her academic colleagues here in Heidelberg, which is very important to her as she returns to Singapore to take up her postdoc position at Steve’s new laboratory at the IMCB in Singapore’s Biopolis science hub. She recommends a trip to Singapore for postdocs who like travel, new experiences and good science.

Ellen Dearden

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