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Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

The EMBL Alumni Relations programme is built to advance EMBL and the relevance of life science research in the scientific community and society at large, by fostering connections between the laboratory, its member states, current EMBL staff, EMBL alumni, and the public.

Author: admin


1st UK Local Chapter meeting in London

The first local chapter meeting for EMBL alumni in the UK took place on 15 February at London’s University College. Forty scientists gathered for an afternoon of science and networking. Talks were given by ex-EMBL Group Leader Angus Lamond of Dundee University (“Time-lapse proteomics…


Sarah Sherwood moves on

Her face has never appeared in this newsletter, as far as we can tell after rummaging through the archives, but her presence has been felt on every page for many years. Usually the staff of the Office of Information and Public Affairs (OIPA) remains behind the scenes as it manages EMBL’s internal…


ELLS goes to Italy

In 2004, ELLS travelled south to forge sustainable links between teachers and research institutions in Italy. Our first port of call was Milan. The idea of organizing a course in Milan started to germinate about one year ago, when Maria Luisa Tenchini, an EMBL alumna who is a Genetics Professor in…

News per year
