Sergio Abrignani
Instituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM)
Public event
EMBL invites researchers, entrepreneurs, those with an interest in infectious disease, as well as members of its own community – including alumni and staff – to EMBL in Italy 2022: Emerging approaches in human health and infectious diseases on Thursday to Friday 26-27 May 2022. This event is a hybrid event with 85 seats available for in-person attendants on a first-come, first served basis.
The two-day event features senior leaders in industry, biotech startup representatives, experts in data and AI and academic scholars with expertise in infectious diseases. Together, we will cover subjects ranging from pathogens to structural biology and AI, as well as tools for the next pandemic. The event also aims to strengthen ties and highlight resources as well as collaboration opportunities between EMBL, GSK and networks in Italy.
The programme includes a tour of the GSK new science centre, with ample time for a poster session, refreshment breaks and networking.
This event is open to all and includes coffee breaks and lunch. Space is limited so if you would like to attend in-person, please register as early as possible to secure a spot. You can indicate online or in-person attendance on the registration form.
Who Should Attend:
EMBL in… events are open to all life scientists. The aim is to share what’s happening at EMBL with communities in our EMBL member and associate member states, as well as learn about new and innovative life sciences research and resources available in EMBL host countries. With these events, we seek to open up valuable dialogue, ensuring that as many people as possible have access to the opportunities provided by both EMBL and its alumni and partners.
Day 1 | Thursday 26 May |
12:30-13:00 | Welcome Coffee, Registration and Networking |
13:00-13:30 | Welcome from GSK and EMBL Chair: Ilaria Ferlenghi, GSK Vaccines (EMBL Predoc, 1994-1999, Heidelberg) Rino Rappuoli, GSK Vaccines & Cornelius Gross, EMBL Rome |
13:30-15:00 | Innovative approaches in autoimmunity, inflammation, and host pathogen interactions Chairs: Valeria Poli, University of Turin and SIBBM (EMBL Postdoc, 1988-1990, Heidelberg) Maria Bernabeu, EMBL Barcelona Cosima T. Baldari, Siena University (EMBL Postdoc, 1978-1980, Heidelberg) Oretta Finco, GSK Vaccines Annalisa Chiocchetti, University of Eastern Piedmont |
15:00-15:45 | Coffee and Networking |
15:45-17:15 | Learning from innate & adaptive immune response Chair: Jamie Hackett, EMBL Rome Maria Zimmerman-Kogadeeva, EMBL Heidelberg Fabio Bagnoli, GSK Vaccines Rita Carsetti, Bambin Gesù Hospital Rome Matteo Iannacone, San Raffaele Institute & University |
17:15-19:00 | Poster Session and Drinks Reception Chair: Michela Brazzoli, GSK Vaccines |
19:00-20:00 | Aperitivo and buffet |
Day 2 | Friday 27 May |
09:00-10:00 | Siena Campus and New Science Vaccine Centre Tour |
09:15-10:00 | Coffee and Networking |
10:00-10:45 | Keynote Speaker Host: Anja Seubert, GSK Vaccines Sergio Abrignani, Instituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM) and Università Statale of Milan |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee and Networking |
11:15-12:45 | The potential of structural biology & AI in human health and disease Chair: Alessandro Brozzi, GSK Vaccines Gaia Pigino, Human Technopole Sameer Velankar, EMBL-EBI Immaculada Margarit y Ros, GSK Vaccines Joel Karpiak, GSK Pharma |
12:45-13:30 | Buffet Lunch |
13:30-14:45 | Panel discussion: Tools for the next pandemic Chairs: Mariagrazia Pizza, GSK Vaccines & Isabel Delany, GSK Vaccines Francesco Berlanda-Scorza, R&D Vaccines and GVGH Institute Claudia Sala, Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences Sergio Abrignani, Instituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM) Duccio Medini, Wellcome Leap Giorgio Guzzetta, Bruno Kessler Foundation |
14:45-15:00 | Closing Remarks: Ennio De Gregorio, GSK Vaccines Italy (EMBL Predoc, 1996-1999, Heidelberg) |
Instituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM)
GSK Vaccines
Siena University
R&D Vaccines and GVGH Institute
EMBL Barcelona
Bambin Gesù Hospital Rome
University of Eastern Piedmont
GSK Vaccines
Bruno Kessler Foundation
San Raffaele Institute & University
GSK Pharma
GSK Vaccines
Wellcome Leap
Human Technopole
GSK Vaccines
Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences
EMBL Heidelberg
GSK Vaccines
GSK Vaccines
GSK Vaccines
GSK Vaccines
GSK Vaccines
University of Turin and SIBBM
GSK Vaccines
We are pleased to offer an opportunity for life scientists from all career levels to present a poster at the event. The poster session will take place on Thursday 26 May. Please see below for all relevant information. To submit your abstract or if you have any questions, please contact alumni@embl.org
Poster abstract submission information: Submission deadline: April 25th, 2022
Please apply to one of the three scientific areas:
1. Innovative approaches in autoimmunity, inflammation, and host pathogen interactions
2. Learning from innate & adaptive immune response
3. The potential of structural biology & AI in human health and disease
Corona Information
Pursuant to the Law Decree no. 24 of March 24, as of May 1st it will be no longer necessary to give evidence of the Green Pass to access to the workplace. The use of FFP2 face masks remains mandatory indoors. Masks are available at the entrance gate.
GSK Vaccines Campus, Via Florentine 1, Siena. Talks take place in Research Centre (Building 35 on the map below) in the Auditorium on first floor. Please see map for all important points.
Parking: If you are arriving by car, it will be possible to reserve a car-parking but there are limited places. Please e-mail Giulia Corbelli – giulia.x.corbelli@gsk.com as soon as possible, asking for a reserved spot.
Entry to campus: you will have to enter from the Main Entrance gate on VIA FIORENTINA 1, where you will find your GSK-Visitors-Badge. Non-GSK staff have to be escorted by 1 GSK staff member. For this reason, it would be important that you arrive at one of the following time slots: 11:00 11:30 or 12:00 on Day 1 and 8:00 or 8:30 on Day 2. This way, we can provide you with a GSK staff member to walk you to the auditorium.
If you have questions or need any further information, please do not hesitate alumni@embl.org
Thank you to the following for supporting the event:
Date: 26 - 27 May 2022
Venue: Hybrid: GSK Vaccines, Siena, Italy and online