2022 Kafatos Lecture – Alumni relations

Public event

2022 Kafatos Lecture


See Photo Gallery below

Denis Duboule
Vassilis Lambrinos
Babis Savakis
Anne Ephrussi
2023 Kafatos Lecture: Elena Conti
Mehrnoosh Rayner
Babis Savakis, Sarah Kafatou
Matthias Hentze, Ioanna Soufleri
Konstantinos Paschalidis
George Kastrinakis


Friday 7 Oct
18:30-18:40 Local timeWelcome: Vassilis Lambrinos, Mayor of Heraklion
18:40-18:50 Local timeAbout the Award: Babis Savakis, University of Crete Medical School
18:50-19:00 Local timeIntroduction to Denis Duboule: Anne Ephrussi, Director, EMBL International Centre for Advanced Training (EICAT)
19:00-20:00 Local timeLecture by Denis Duboule:
Evolution and Embryonic Development: The Complex Story of our Dual Origins
20:00-20:30 Local timeDrinks and Networking

Information for Participants

Venue: Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion
Nik. Plastira 49, Iraklio 712 01, Greece


Evolution and Embryonic Development: The Complex Story of our Dual Origins

Denis Duboule

What drives the complex relationship between the two distinct origins of human beings: that of their individual lives and that as interlinked members of the species Homo sapiens? Can we consider these roles in isolation, or are they inextricably linked? What does this mean for our personal and collective identities, and can the study of our embryology inform us about our evolution?

In the historic setting of Heraklion, developmental geneticist Denis Duboule will explore some aspects of these mixed origins, starting from Aristotelian philosophy up to Charles Darwin and the 19th century biological revolution. Fittingly, he will reflect on Fotis Kafatos’ work on developmental evolution and discuss why these two major disciplines of life sciences, while being part of the same generative mechanism, have been and still are difficult to reconcile.

About Denis Duboule

Denis Duboule is a developmental geneticist, based in Geneva and Lausanne. He has contributed to precise detailing of how, during embryonic development, a mass of unspecified cells becomes organised into a body plan through genetic controls. He is a Professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Collège de France, and was a Group Leader at EMBL Heidelberg from 1988-1993.

About the Kafatos Lectures

The Kafatos Lectures aim to bring groundbreaking and relevant life science research to the worldwide public, making it accessible and highlighting its day-to-day societal impact. Whether you’re a high school student, a world class scientist or someone with a non-scientific background, this lecture is tailored for you. The only requirements are enthusiasm and curiosity.

Find out more about the Kafatos Lectures

Thank you to the individual donors and institutions who have generously supported the Kafatos Lectures:

Date: 7 Oct 2022

Location: Hybrid

Time: 18:30

Venue: Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion, Lecture Hall, Greece


  • EMBL Alumni Relations