Alumni News – Page 18 – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

The EMBL Alumni Relations programme is built to advance EMBL and the relevance of life science research in the scientific community and society at large, by fostering connections between the laboratory, its member states, current EMBL staff, EMBL alumni, and the public.

Alumni News


Building labs with flies

Flies can do a lot for science, inside and outside the lab. EMBL alumna Isabel Palacios explains how


Degrees of excellence

We catch up with Helke Hillebrand on leaving EMBL after 9 years as Academic Coordinator and Dean of Graduate Studies


Design for life

EMBL’s senior graphic designer Petra Riedinger retires after 40 years producing posters, graphics, artwork and more


Chromatin cartographer

EMBL alumnus Jop Kind, this year’s John Kendrew Award winner, reflects on the imaginative questions that led him to the prize


Thinking in 3D

Ernst Stelzer earns 2016 Lennart Philipson award for advances in light sheet microscopy

News per year
