Alumni News – Page 27 – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

The EMBL Alumni Relations programme is built to advance EMBL and the relevance of life science research in the scientific community and society at large, by fostering connections between the laboratory, its member states, current EMBL staff, EMBL alumni, and the public.

Alumni News

Mehrnoosh Rayner

EMBL Alumni Association board meeting

The 12th EMBL Alumni Association board meeting on Monday 3rd November was the last to be attended by Angus Lamond, Chair of the Association since 2002. Angus welcomed newly elected board members and provided guidelines in selecting the next Chair and Deputy. After the meeting, board members voted…


EMBL – a jump start to an international career in molecular biology

“Your mothers and fathers paid for EMBL – so use it!” This was the message from EMBL Director General Iain Mattaj to more than 120 young Swedish scientists on 19 September at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (RSAS). The event, initiated by RSAS and funded by the Swedish Research…


2008 John Kendrew Award recipients

On EMBL Lab Day on 10 June 2008, former Executive Director of EMBO, John Tooze, presented the Alumni Association John Kendrew Young Scientist Award to the first winners, Antonio Giraldez and Giovanni Frazzetto. Read more about their selection.


2nd Local Chapter meeting in Greece, Dilofo

The second Dilofo meeting of EMBL alumni living and working in Greece took place from Saturday 31st May – Sunday 1st June 2008. Twelve alumni and members of their families (26 people altogether) plus thirteen graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from the groups of several alumni enjoyed a…


Australia: a warm welcome down under

You might be hearing ‘g’day’ and ‘strewth’ in the corridors a bit more often from now on, as Australia officially begins the first ever associate membership to EMBL’s international community. The country has become a central player in molecular biology in recent…

Mehrnoosh Rayner

EMBL Alumni board meeting

The EMBL Alumni Association board held their biannual meeting at EMBL Heidelberg on 25 February 2008. One of the major topics was the upcoming board elections. On behalf of EMBL, Matthias Hentze thanked those members stepping down, in particular treasurer Albert Stegmüller. The Board welcomed…


From Sweden to EMBL … and back

A Swedish postdoc came to EMBL in 2004. Three years later he returned home with a new love. This is his story… It’s thanks to the Alumni Association Swedish Postdoctoral Fellowship that Johan Ledin came to EMBL in 2004, after completing his PhD at Uppsala University. Funded by the…

Mehrnoosh Rayner

Alumni Day at the EMBL-EBI

After the ceremony to mark the opening of the new site extension, EMBL-EBI hosted an on-campus symposium for all EMBL alumni and EBI staff. The event attracted 116 participants and was a great opportunity to meet friends and enjoy an excellent programme of talks by EMBL-EBI’s directors,…

Alumni Team

2007 John Kendrew Young Scientist Award

The EMBL Alumni Association Board is delighted to announce the winners of the inaugural John Kendrew Young Scientist Award. The extremely high standard of applications for this award made the task of selecting a single winner at the Alumni Association Board meeting on 23rd October 2007 extremely…

News per year
