Alumni News – Page 29 – Alumni relations

Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

The EMBL Alumni Relations programme is built to advance EMBL and the relevance of life science research in the scientific community and society at large, by fostering connections between the laboratory, its member states, current EMBL staff, EMBL alumni, and the public.

Alumni News

Alumni Team

Croatian alumna talks about science in newest member state

Sanja Tomic enjoys a paddle near Susak, one of Croatia’s islands Croatian alumni returning to their home country now find themselves taking their skills back to the newest EMBL member state. We caught up with one of them, Sanja Tomic, to ask about her experiences at EMBL and the situation in…

Mehrnoosh Rayner

Austrian Local Chapter get-together in Vienna

The EMBL Alumni Association local chapters serve as important platforms for scientific exchange, in organising scientific meetings, seminars, expertise and resource sharing, and social gatherings. They can also provide a unified and powerful voice to local and national politicians and funding…

Mehrnoosh Rayner

Brice Kauffmann

Brice Kauffmann, a former postdoc at EMBL Hamburg, was recently the winner of a silkscreen painting as the 1,000th person to register with the Alumni Association, in which there are now 1,050 members. Now a Senior Scientist at the CNRS Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie (IECB), Pessac,…


1st UK Local Chapter meeting in London

The first local chapter meeting for EMBL alumni in the UK took place on 15 February at London’s University College. Forty scientists gathered for an afternoon of science and networking. Talks were given by ex-EMBL Group Leader Angus Lamond of Dundee University (“Time-lapse proteomics…


Sarah Sherwood moves on

Her face has never appeared in this newsletter, as far as we can tell after rummaging through the archives, but her presence has been felt on every page for many years. Usually the staff of the Office of Information and Public Affairs (OIPA) remains behind the scenes as it manages EMBL’s internal…

Alumni Team

New faces on EMBL’s Alumni Association board

The Alumni Association board was delighted by the number of candidates who stood for election and the number of members who voted in September. Election results were announced at a meeting in Rome on 2 November, bringing the board to 16 members. The board would like to thank past members who have…

Alumni Team

Plans over paella

Just because they’ve left EMBL doesn’t mean they’ve left the spirit of EMBL behind… Nearly 30 members of the EMBL Alumni Association’s Iberian Chapter met at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona on October 7, 2005. The meeting, organised by Juan Valcárcel, kicked off with…

Alumni Team

EMBL alumni get-together at ELSO 2005

More than a thousand life scientists descended on the Saxon city of Dresden in September for the 2005 installment of the European Life Scientist Organization’s annual meeting. The event provides a crucial opportunity for Europe’s life scientists to meet, get an update on the latest research in…

Alumni Team

EMBL Alumni Association elections 2005

It’s time to vote! Every few years, members of the EMBL Alumni Association are given the opportunity to elect representatives to the Association’s board. These alumni have been hard at work organising activities and initiatives to help support the network of nearly 1,000 association…

News per year
