
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators


The EMBL community is made up of more than 9000 outstanding scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators. Their collective energy, experience and expertise inspires the advancement of life sciences at EMBL and around the world.

Francis Stewart

Professor, Biotec

Dresden University of Technology, Germany

“EMBL is like a family – a special relationship links former and current EMBL faculty even without previous interactions.” 

Rolf Zeller


University of Basel Medical Faculty, Basel, Switzerland

“Being an EMBL alumnus means belonging to the most important life science research community in Europe.”

Our alumni

Learn about the members of our unique community


Browse through programmes and photo galleries of former reunions


See past winners and nominate outstanding scientists.


Remembering friends, peers and colleagues we’ve sadly lost.
