
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

Alumni Awards Ceremony 2017

Friday 21 July 2017

16:00-18:00: Alumni Awards Ceremony

Celebrate achievements of alumni Philipp Keller (Group Leader, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA) and Matthias Mann (Director, Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction, MPI for Biochemistry, Germany and Program Director, the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Uni. of Copenhagen).
Presenters: Carsten Schulz and Angus Lamond.

18:00-19:00: Drinks reception

Experience and enjoy the EMBL Lab Day posters, films and challenges (fun and serious) together with EMBL alumni and staff from all sites.

19:00-late: Lab Day Dinner and Party

Join the EMBL community at the annual Lab Day dinner and party.

Don’t miss the 2018 EMBL Lab Day: Friday 20 July!
