
Alumni Relations

Connecting, engaging and nurturing EMBLs global community of current and former scientists, technicians, communicators and administrators

EMBL Mentorship from alumni

What is it?

A mentorship scheme for all members of the EMBL community (staff and alumni), managed by EMBL Alumni Relations in partnership with the EMBL Alumni Association. 

Alumni mentors can contribute to the betterment of the life sciences community by supporting and inspiring scientists, science communicators and administrators at all stages in their careers. 

Mentees will gain insights and perspectives into varied sectors and receive valuable career advice from established professionals in a range of roles.

How it works

  1. Alumni interested in becoming mentors should take a moment to update their profile and select to receive mentoring requests from the Alumni Relations team.  
  2. Alumni, staff and fellows interested in being a mentee need to complete a short registration form. Once completed, a list of available mentors will be sent in return.
  3. Mentees will then indicate to the Alumni Relations team which mentor they wish to connect with. The Alumni Relations team will check with the mentor to ensure they still have availability to assist. 
  4. Once the mentor consents, their contact details will be shared with the mentee. The mentee will send an introductory email and suggest times for an initial catch-up. 
  5. The mentor and mentee should aim to meet (virtually or in-person if applicable) three times in total over a six month period.
  6. After six months, we will ask both parties to provide feedback and indicate whether they would like to be matched with another mentor/mentee.


“It was really easy to connect with someone more experienced, and their advice has been invaluable!” – Benedikt Best, Current staff member.

“The EMBL Alumni mentorship programme is an excellent idea and I am thankful for the opportunity to connect with accomplished EMBL alumni and seek mentorship. The mentors who signed up for the programme deserve special appreciation for their willingness to help the mentees.” – Venkatraman Ravi, Current Fellow.

This has been truly great getting me to engage with an accomplished alumni in the field of my interest. I could talk not just only about work, but putting my future hopes and career goals into the framework of my personal life and human values. I got so many useful perspectives and guidance of dos and donts from my mentor. I am very thankful for the initiative and my mentor.” – Aditya Sankar, Current staff member

Having a mentor in the EMBL Alumni Mentorship Programme has enabled my growth as a team leader tremendously. Regardless of the sector you work in, we all need support in order to become better leaders – it was a real gift to have 1:1 time with my mentor, and lean on their expertise when it comes to leading a team.”  – Peter Papagiannis, EMBL Alumnus

EMBL Alumni Association Board members Marina and Anne-Marie who helped to establish the mentorship programme said: “EMBL has been a special place for all of us, a place of exceptional opportunities, collaborative spirit and dedication to research. We are looking forward to extending these opportunities via this new mentorship programme, which will provide participants with mentorship from experts at all career levels in all work sectors.”

Marina Chekulaeva: Group Leader, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association

Anne-Marie Glynn: Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Global Brain Health Institute, University of California | Trinity College Dublin

Marina Chekulaeva and Anne-Marie Glynn