
Annual Report 2021

A year of exceptional life science research, training, service, industry collaboration, and integration of European life science research.

Strengthening links to the biobusiness sector

New event provides a forum for sharing bioinformatics developments with BioBusiness.

EMBL-EBI hosts workshops with industry, like this hackathon for companies in the agritech ecosystem. Credit: Jeff Dowling/EMBL

EMBL-EBI’s Industry Programme is aimed at global companies that use EMBL-EBI data resources as part of their research and development activities, and 2021 offered a new knowledge-exchange forum for sharing news on the latest developments.

In addition to organising a series of Industry Programme workshops, EMBL-EBI consolidated its ties with small and medium companies through the inaugural edition of the ‘Bioinformatics for BioBusiness’ event, organised in collaboration with the UK Medicines Discovery Catapult. The forum allowed these companies to get up to speed with the latest developments in bioinformatics and get bespoke specialist advice from EMBL-EBI experts in genome annotation, single-cell sequencing, metagenomics, and drug discovery.

Founded in 1996, the EMBL-EBI Industry Programme now has 26 member companies from pharma, agri-food, and consumer goods that subscribe to this initiative.

“The EMBL-EBI Industry Programme has been a tremendously impactful public-private enterprise to continuously shape the relationships between academia and life science companies.”

– Bertram Weiss, Head of Research Product Platform, Bayer AG

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Training powered by corporate support

EMBL’s Corporate Partnership Programme continues its role as a nexus for research, services, training communities, and industry.
