
Innovation & Translation

To engage in technology transfer and industry relations

EMBL’s strengths in research, services, and training make it a perfect industry partner and a breeding ground for research that sows the seeds for technology transfer.  EMBL’s tech transfer arm, EMBLEM, is pivotal to that success.

Novel training formats, among other new activities, help further develop an EMBL innovation culture, empower the next generation of EMBL fellows, and diversify current instruments for training and knowledge exchange between EMBL and industry partners.

“Adding imaging capabilities to cell sorting has opened up the possibility of identifying and correlating cell morphology and protein localisation with specific cellular processes. The sentence: ‘Seeing is believing’ can finally be applied to the flow cytometry field!”

– Diana Ordonez, Head of the EMBL Heidelberg Flow Cytometry Core Facility, 2015-2024, on the development and application of image-enabled cell sorting technology by EMBL and BD Bioscience

Translating EMBL Science

Among the year's accomplishments, a new EU-funded project, Fragment-Screen, is expected to accelerate drug discovery and development, bringing in expertise from EMBL Grenoble and EMBL-EBI. Additionally, a new start-up DenovAI, is now harnessing advanced machine learning for broader, faster antibody discovery.

“I believe the Fragment-Screen project will transform fragment-based drug discovery….At the end of the project, the process of drug development will be substantially improved.”

– Harald Schwalbe, Director of Instruct-ERIC, one of the research infrastructures central to this collaborative Fragment-Screen project intended to develop innovative instrumentation, workflows, and experimental and computational methodologies

Partnerships and Training

In 2023, a summer school helped 20 PhD and postdoctoral fellows learn more about R&D-related industry careers. Additionally, EMBL and ZEISS looked forward with a new long-term agreement that should accelerate imaging technology development that advances life science research.

Cell sorting & its many applications

EMBL researchers used a new cell sorting technology to gain insights into cellular function in health and disease, as well as for other innovative applications.

Tech transfer in Numbers

EMBL’s innovation and translation activities include industry collaborations, public-private partnerships, forums for knowledge exchange, invention disclosures, and creation of spin-off companies. EMBLEM, EMBL’s technology transfer arm, enables much of this, and in 2023 it helped develop and conclude collaborations between 62 industry partners and 33 EMBL scientists.

€17,798,000	income
619		licence and collaboration agreements concluded
29		inventions disclosed
10		priority patent applications filed
21		patents granted
