
EMBL Archive

Preserving and sharing the Laboratory’s heritage

EMBL Archive History

Building the EMBL Archive

The idea to start the EMBL Archive first came from the Alumni Association Board in 2009 and was launched at the EMBL Staff-Alumni Reunion in 2010 (see in EMBLetc in October 2010, p. i). Thanks to the efforts and vision of a dedicated group of alumni, facilitated by EMBL Alumni Relations, the idea garnered enthusiasm throughout the EMBL community and developed into a Laboratory-wide initiative.

The Wellcome Collection in London provided support and advice early on, and continues to do so. In January 2015, the first EMBL Archivist began working to formally establish the EMBL Archive, under the guidance of the EMBL Director General. In July 2018, the EMBL Archive was formally inaugurated. You can read about the inauguration and watch a recording of the ceremony.

Archive inauguration ceremony, 2018: Giulio Superti-Furga, Chair of the EMBL Alumni Association Board, when the decision to establish the EMBL Archive was taken in 2010. Photo credit: Archive inauguration ceremony, July 2018. DE 2324 ARCH-4. EMBL Archive

Supporting the EMBL Archive 

For EMBL’s 40th anniversary in 2014, EMBL Alumni Relations and the Office of Resource Development ran a fundraising campaign for the EMBL Archive that raised 45,000 €.

The spending of these funds was approved by the Director General in 2019 to support two projects:

  • the EMBL Stories project, which led to the creation of a slide deck highlighting achievements of the EMBL community throughout the years;
  • training bursaries for new professionals in the field of scientific archives.

EMBL is sincerely grateful to all who donated to this campaign and will thereby enable the ongoing development of the EMBL Archive as a leader in scientific archives while supporting the archival community at large.

Recognising the support of the EMBL Alumni Association

The EMBL Archive is proud to acknowledge the invaluable support provided by the EMBL Alumni Association in the establishment and development of our archive. In recognition of their significant contribution, a commemorative plaque has been installed at the entrance to the EMBL Archive.

This plaque is a testament to the enduring partnership between the EMBL Archive and the EMBL Alumni Association, and symbolises our shared commitment to preserving and celebrating EMBL’s rich history and scientific legacy.

Note about EMBL Archive's inauguration note

Commemorative plaque at the entrance to the EMBL Archive building in recognition of the contribution of the EMBL Alumni Association to the creation of the EMBL Archive. Photo credit: Maria Papanikolaou/ EMBL Archive
