Flashback Friday: EMBL Australia launches down under – EMBL Archive

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Flashback Friday: EMBL Australia launches down under

Already an associate member, Australia deepened its connection to EMBL in 2010 as it established EMBL Australia. Credit: EMBL Australia

EMBL celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024, and in so doing, we’re digging through the archives for some fascinating stories from EMBL’s past publications to publish in this blog. The following is an EMBLetc. article from Issue 56 in April 2010.

On Monday, 29 March, Kim Carr, Australia’s Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, led a special launch of EMBL Australia in Melbourne.

A joint venture supported by the Australian government and involving the universities of Sydney, Queensland, Western Australia and Monash and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), EMBL Australia was initiated in 2008 upon the country being granted the first Associate Membership of EMBL. It provides a direct link for Australian and European researchers and allows them to benefit from the world-leading science happening on opposite sides of the globe.

In addition to the newly named Scientific Head of EMBL Australia Nadia Rosenthal, EMBL’s Director General at the time, Iain Mattaj and Silke Schumacher attended the launch. Additionally,Kim Carr, Australia’s Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science, and Research, David de Kretser, Governor of Victoria,  and Richard Larkins, Chair of EMBL Australia were in attendance. .(L-R: Carr, de Kretser, Rosenthal, Schumacher, Mattaj, and Larkins.) Credit: EMBL Australia

During the day’s programme, Senator Carr announced the appointment of Nadia Rosenthal as Scientific Head of EMBL Australia, the establishment of the EMBL Australia PhD programme, and the appointment of Edwina McGill as the first group leader within the Partner Laboratory Network.

“EMBL Australia will create and deliver scientific excellence focused on six research themes: regenerative medicine and stem cell biology, human genetics and disease, cancer and clinical research, chemical biology, plant biology and systems biology,” said Senator Carr. “EMBL is renowned for creating the next generation of scientific leaders by providing funding certainty and encouraging a collaborative approach. We are pleased that Australian researchers will be working with such an established model of success.”

“EMBL is renowned for creating the next generation of scientific leaders by providing funding certainty and encouraging a collaborative approach. We are pleased that Australian researchers will be working with such an established model of success.” 
– Kim Carr, Australia’s Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, who led a special launch of EMBL Australia in Melbourne

EMBL’s Iain Mattaj and Silke Schumacher attended the launch alongside Governor of Victoria David de Kretser and the Consul-Generals of Denmark, Greece and Croatia, three of EMBL’s 20 member states. “More than 170 people attended the launch,” said Richard Larkins, Chair of EMBL Australia. “We’re delighted and encouraged to see the level of support shown to the EMBL Australia initiative by Senator Carr and the science community.”

More stories about EMBL Australia and EMBL’s scientific connections there can be found here.

Related Links

EMBL’s southern hemisphere connection

EMBL expands to Australia

EMBL and Australia – delivering excellence

Archive materials:  Instruments of cooperation with the Australian Government and Nadia Rosenthal Interview
