EMBL Archive Catalogue
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Preserving and sharing the Laboratory’s heritage
The EMBL Archive collects a variety of materials that serve as evidence of EMBL’s history and development. Please feel free to contribute any of the following: photographs, laboratory notebooks, notebooks/scrapbooks, correspondence, emails, drafts of papers and publications, unpublished notes, annotated printouts, instruments, blueprints, annotated books, personal libraries, interviews, newspaper clippings, films, recordings, and material from clubs and associations.
This list is not exhaustive and for a more detailed overview, please refer to the Archive Collection Guidelines (internal access only). If you have other items you would like to share, whether analogue or digital, please consider donating or transferring them.
The EMBL Archive is also grateful for any time that you could spend (in person or on the phone) to talk about material donated, help identify people in photographs and more generally help piece together EMBL’s history.
Please contact us directly to arrange a meeting.
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