
EMBL Archive

Preserving and sharing the Laboratory’s heritage

Second Workshop

Washington D.C., 2018

On 13 and 14 August 2018, the American Institute of Physics hosted the Second Workshop on Scientific Archives.

The workshop explored topics related to the contemporary archives of science and technology, and specific themes discussed included the collaboration between scientists and archivists to best capture contemporary material, appraisal of science and technology archives, curating and making accessible science and technology archives to support both humanities research and scientific reuse, the description of specialist collections from a non-scientific perspective, archives and scientific data management and usage and public outreach and communication.


Session 1: Scientific Archives/Scientific Data: Capturing the Process of Science

“Scientific Data Management Plans in Theory and In Practice” – Jean Deken, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
“Small-Scale Archival Project and Data Management” – Steve Duckworth & Kate Thornhill, Oregon Health & Science University, USA
“Integrating Data and Records in Archiving Scientific Research” – Juan Ilerbaig, University of Toronto, CA

Session 2: Science for the People: Documenting Applied Science at Land-Grant / Panel with Universities in the United States

Todd Kosmerick, North Carolina State University, Lisa Vallen, University of California-Merced, James R. Stewart Jr., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and Bradley J. Kuennen, Iowa State University.

Session 3: Appraising Scientific Archives

“Science Online: Evaluating Appraisal, Usage, and Impact” – Polina Ilieva, University of California, San Francisco, USA
“Science and Technology Archives: The Art and Science of Conducting Appraisals”- John Faundeen, U.S. Geological Survey, USA
“Appraising Archives of the History of Science” – Patrick Shea, Science History Institute, USA

Session 4: Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Scientific Archives

“The Solvay Science Project: A Brief History of a Long-term Interdisciplinary Working Process” – Yoanna Alexiou, Université libre de Bruxelles, BE
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Scientific Archive Research: Integrating Perspectives from the Arts and Humanities”- Stephanie Vasko, Michigan State University, USA
“Collaboration between Historians and Archivists in Making a Digital Archive: The Beckman Legacy Project” – Roger Turner, Science History Institute, USA
“When French Archivists Speak about Researchers and their Archives: A Textual Analysis” – Magalie Moysan & Margot Georges, Université d’Angers, FR

Session 5: Creating Access to Scientific Archives

“New Science, New Archives: Records Management at European XFEL” – Laura Outterside, European XFEL, DE
“The Importance of the Botanic Archive in Contextualizing the Botanic Collections of the University of Coimbra” – Ana Margarida Dias da Silva et al., Universidade de Coimbra, PT
“Tracing the Lost Sense – A Modular Approach to the Intellectual Recognition of Image Contents” – Klaus Nippert, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), KIT Archives, DE
“Archival Bridge over Troubled Waters: Challenges in the Making of the Thessaloniki Port Authority Historical Archive” – Christos Mais, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, NL

Session 6: Scientific Archives and the Arts

“The History of German Polar Research goes Theatre – The Project ‘Staging Files’ “ – Christian Salewski, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research / Archive for German Polar Research (AGPR), DE
