

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

California Institute of Technology


The California Institute of Technology aims to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society. Collaborating with the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, we can offer opportunities to work with software development, bioinformatics, molecular genetics and systems biology.

As a partner in this project, The California Institute of Technology intends to cooperate with the EMBL towards training of the Fellows. The California Institute of Technology can host up to three  Fellows per year in the period 2020-2024 through secondments and introduce them to the ways of working, instrumentation and procedures at The California Institute of Technology. Duration of secondments will be between 2 and 6 months and will be arranged in communication with the Fellow. Fellows who will do secondments at The California Institute of Technology will come from the field related or complementary to the field of work of The California Institute of Technology.

At The California Institute of Technology Fellows will have a possibility to learn bioinformatics software development. The Fellows will also have a chance to get acquainted with the operation of single-cell sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, systematic CRISPR-Cas using C. elegans, zebrafish, Drosophila and other model organisms, high content screening, and modern proteomics. The California Institute of Technology will dedicate supervision capacity for each fellow on secondments. During secondments, Fellows can stay employed by EMBL. The California Institute of Technology intends also to host mini-secondments in a duration of up to two weeks, during which Fellows will shadow operations at The California Institute of Technology.
