

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

Heinrich-Pette Institute, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology


The HPI is a Leibniz Institute o! national standing dedicated to research in the field of experimental virology. Following the aims and statutes of the foundation, its basic and applied research focuses on human pathogenic viruses that impact current and future public health. The institute applies basic experimental research to develop new approaches for contemporary treatments of viral infections such as AIDS, influenza and hepatitis but also of emerging viral diseases. The HPt’s research covers the most critical global viral pathogens that cause the most infections worldwide and over three million deaths annually. Some of these viruses are also closely linked with the development of (cancerous) tumors in humans and are to a certain extent ideally suited as tools and models for identifying and understanding basic cell biological and virological processes. As such, HPl’s basic research in virology reaches far beyond the character of the associated diseases.

As a partner in this project, HPI intends to cooperate with the EMBL towards train ing of the Fellow s. HPI can host up to one Fellow per year in the period 2020-2024 through secondments and introduce them to the ways of working, instrumentation and procedures at HPI. Duration of secondments will be between 2 and 6 months and will be arranged in communication  with the Fellow.

Fellows who will do secondments at HPI will come from the field related or complementary to the field of work of HPI. At HPI Fellows will have a possibility to learn various methods in structural mass spectrometry, relevant biophysical or imaging methods as well as use newly developed techniques combining mass spectrometry and X-ray lightsources. The Fellows will also have a chance to get acquainted with the operation of state-of-art mass spectrometry equipment used in structural biology. HPI will dedicate supervision capacity for each fellow on secondments.

HPI intends also to host mini-secondments in a duration of up to two weeks, during which Fellows will shadow operations at HPl.
