

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

ARISE Programme Overview

ARISE offers you employment at EMBL for three years, a chance to work on method and technology development of your interest, career support and exclusive training curricula.

The programme

Career support

  • Supervision and mentoring
  • Secondments in non-academic sector
  • Career advising
  • Personal Career Development Plan
  • Training in transferable skills and outreach

Research and development time

  • You will work on the techdev project of your interest
  • Collaborate with ARISE partner organisations
  • Improve understanding of life sciences though internal seminars, courses and confereces


  • Learn how to manage service providing research infrastructures at ARISE school, ARISE courses, expert and use case webinars
  • Shadow users of core facilities to learn how they approach technology
  • Learn about different ways to provide service through secondments


  • Three years contract
  • Competitive salary
  • First class health insurance
  • Excellent social benefits (family and child allowances, generous vacation days)
  • Friendly and flexible working surrounding

Technology and method development

Which technology or methods are fitting ARISE focus?

Technology or methods that you can develop at EMBL should:

  • have potential to be provided as a service to life science researchers – this means that the technology cannot be easily applied in a standard laboratory and requires either specific machines, tools or expertise to use. At the same time, it should be useful to multiple researchers, coming from other groups or institutes, and
  • be of interest to you and
  • be of interest to EMBL groups and teams in which you wish to work (you can also read here what the groups and teams are planning to work on in the next years, so that you get inspiration for your project) .

As you are working on the development you will start to offer it to the users from the group, then from the institute and if possible to the external users. This will teach you how to optimize the tool to be more user friendly, to optimize the amount of support users need from you and to be more versatile and interesting for a variety of researchers.

ARISE Webinar recording

ARISE Women in RI and Technology Development recording

My projects’ main aim is to provide computational tools to the scientific community, in particular to experimental scientists who are not used to coding, in order to enable them to perform fast and streamlined analysis of protein structure ensembles and binding sites in the context of drug design.

Meet more of our fellows.

Melanie Schneider

ARISE fellow in Leach Group

EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Beamline Hamburg, Schneider Group, Maxim Polikarpov. Credit: Kinga Lubowiecka/EMBL
Server room at EMBL EBI Data centre. Credit: EMBL

Professional training to become a Research Infrastructure Scientist

Topics covered by the ARISE professional curriculum are

  • management of research infrastructures,
  • provision of services and support of users,
  • leading staff of your team,
  • managing your available resources (e.g. financial, equipment, space) and
  • strategically positioning your service providing infrastructure and planning it’s development.

Format of training: This training will be provided in the forms of courses and secondments at EMBL and over 40 ARISE partner organisations from industry and academia, distributed throughout the 3 years of the fellowship.

Goal of training: to train the engineers and researchers for the careers in core facilities, service units, data services, big infrastructures, in academia or industry.

The full overview of the training possibilities is in the Guide for applicants.

I come from a background in engineering physics. Developing novel imaging techniques has been my main interest throughout my career, but I have found that this can be done much more effectively in an environment where there are biologists with real problems they want to solve. Working in an EMBL facility allows me to interact with biologists to help them solve their imaging challenges.al scientists who are not used to coding, in order to enable them to perform fast and streamlined analysis of protein structure ensembles and binding sites in the context of drug design.

James Swoger

Head of Mesoscopic

Imaging Facility

EMBL Barcelona

Classroom photo taken during a Bio-IT course. Credit: Marietta Schupp/EMBL
Advanced Light Microscopy Core Facility, Dr. Beate Neumann, Dr. Stefan Terjung. Credit: Kinga Lubowiecka/EMBL

Your job after ARISE

Jobs in researcher infrastructures are diverse, but in general they can be sorted in

  • management positions: operational and strategic management
  • experts positions: providing service and support to users of the services and
  • developers positions: developing novel methods, tools, technologies and in general improving services.

We aim to prepare you for any of these positions, depending on your affinities and background. They exist in both academia and industry, and require high level of expertise and good understanding of topics related to management and service provision, which you do not learn in classical academic or engineering training.

Alternatively, you might decide to

  • stay a method and technology developer and to run a team that is not providing service directly but is developing advanced technologies and methods that will be picked up by the service units, either in academia or in industry or
  • start your own service company.

Which expertise you need if you want to work in RIs?

We created a list of competencies that experts working in RIs need to have, regardless of the technology field that they work on.

Competency list for experts working in Research Infrastructures

Employment conditions at EMBL

As an ARISE Fellow, you will be employed for three years by EMBL, as an EMBL Research Fellow.

You will receive a contract that comes with

  • competitive monthly salary – see HERE the EMBL fellowship rates that are specific to each EMBL site and increase annually.
  • social security contribution (excellent health insurance, unemployment insurance, pension scheme).
  • family allowance for fellows in unions, and child allowance (rates to be found in the table with salary information above).
  • funds to support travel to secondments at ARISE partner organisations and conferences.
  • flexible hybrid working arrangements and very supporting surrounding.

EMBL will provide every assistance in obtaining the required visas or work permits for all its fellows. Further information about visas for your stay at EMBL can be found here.

Depending on the site, other different types of support are available, for example support with organisation of the child care, temporary accommodation in the first week after joining EMBL, sport clubs memberships, language schools etc.

We also have a strong staff association, and various clubs (sports, arts, cooking, …) and groups that work on improvement of working conditions at EMBL.

Special support

EMBL and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) pay particular attention to providing equal opportunities for all researchers.

EMBL can apply to the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency for additional financial support for the costs required to support fellows with disabilities. These dedicated grants cover the additional costs that researchers with disabilities face. They can be used, for example, to adapt the working environment for fellows with disabilities, or ensure someone to assist them where necessary. More information about these grants is available from the ARISE Programme Manager.

Timeline of ARISE Fellowship

Learn more

Further information on the programme can be found in the following sections.

Hosting groups

Here you can see which EMBL groups offer to host ARISE fellows

Partner organisations

At partner organisations you will do your secondments

How to apply

Here is the information on how to apply to join ARISE and EMBL


Who to contact and how to get in touch.

ARISE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945405.

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