

Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists

University of Gothenburg, Centre for Cellular Imaging


The National Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), is a core facility that integrates both light and electron microscopy in one single multi-user facility, and specializes in 3D correlative multimodal imaging (CMI). CMI describes the sequential combination of two or more imaging techniques to gain holistic and complementary knowledge about the same sample across multiple scales, including structural, molecular,

dynamical, biochemical and biophysical information. Our vision is that the CCI will allow users to think broadly and select the best possible instrument(s), light and/or electron microscope(s), to provide detailed answers to  their scientific questions at the highest resolution. Using modern cell biological tools, expertise in live cell imaging and state-of-the-art equipment and image analysis we will continue to help researchers relate structure to function and morphology to mechanism.

As a partner in this project, the CCI intends to cooperate with the EMBL towards training of the Fellows. The CCI can host up to two Fellows per year in the period 2020-2024 through secondments and introduce them to the ways of working, instrumentation and procedures at the CCI. Duration of secondments will be between 2 and 6 months and will be arranged in communication with the Fellow. Fellows who will do secondments at the CCI  will come from the field related or complementary  to the field of work of the  CCI.

At the CCI Fellows will have a possibility to learn: multiphoton microscopy, super-resolution (single molecule localization and structured illumination microscopy), cellular 3D volume electron  microscopy  –  Serial Section Correlative Array Tomography (CAT) and 3D correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), image analysis, etc. The Fellows will also have a chance to get acquainted with the operation of all our light and electron microscopes and sample preparation labs. The CCI will dedicate supervision capacity for each fellow on secondments. During secondments, Fellows can stay employed by EMBL.

The CCI intends also to host mini-secondments in a duration of up to two weeks, during which Fellows will shadow operations at the CCI.
