
EMBL Communications

Informing, inspiring, and engaging society with EMBL’s research, services and training

As a publicly funded organisation, EMBL has both a responsibility and an interest to feed back on its work by communicating its innovative research programmes and cutting-edge science, and bringing the questions, concerns and responses of the public to the laboratory.


We seek to maximise the societal benefit of our knowledge and skills by: helping to inspire the next generation of researchers, engineers, technicians, and other professionals; by informing national and European policymaking, and; providing opportunities to inform and engage society.

We communicate the outcomes and benefits of our innovative research and training programmes, cutting-edge science and technology, and activities for the benefit of Europe, to audiences including policymakers, funding agencies and elected officials, journalists, researchers and technicians, and members of the public in our member states and beyond.

EMBL has communications representatives in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Our plans for 2022–26

Find out more about how EMBL aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its public engagement, communications, and outreach activities.

EMBL provides high-quality information and advice to the media on research and technological developments and their societal, health, and environmental impacts. We also host journalist visits to EMBL sites and organise interviews and background briefings with scientists.

News from EMBL

EMBL shares updates from across its six sites via a range of channels. To read about our latest news, visit our  website or follow us on X, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube.

Subscribe to our newsletter for regular features and news.

EMBL maintains a comprehensive set of design guidelines for use of the EMBL logo, colours and typeface. If you have any questions on the use of any EMBL design elements, please contact us.

EMBL produces several comprehensive publications every year, written for various audiences from scientists to the non-specialist public.

Please contact us to subscribe.

If you’d like to write a news article, interview or feature for EMBL news or for EMBLetc. magazine, which is published twice a year and is distributed in-house and to more than 3,000 readers worldwide, please contact us with a brief proposal of what you’d like to write about.

The Communications team embraces EMBL’s commitment to transparency, scientific integrity, and excellence. You can read here a summary of the use of AI in communication products and services.

Contact us

We prefer digital communication whenever possible.

The EMBL-EBI Communications team at Hinxton provides communications and engagement support for EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI):

You can also write to us at the head office:


EMBL Heidelberg
Meyerhofstraße 1
69117, Heidelberg

Latest blog posts

10 March 2025

EMBL, Pliny the Elder, and a thematic approach to biological research 

In his Naturalis Historia, Pliny the Elder, writing in the first century AD,  attempted to bring together all notable observations from learned people about the natural world. Travelling what was then the Roman Empire under Vespasian, he made observations, interrogated witnesses of natural…

17 May 2024

The power of the ‘one EMBL’ unified brand

What is the purpose of EMBL’s corporate design, our brand strategy, and the principles that make EMBL a design leader? In the contemporary world, digital landscapes dominate and visual identity plays a pivotal role in an organisation’s identity. A comprehensive and cohesive corporate design…

23 October 2023

EMBL’s new centralized training catalogue

The newly developed training catalogue is a game-changer for EMBL staff and fellows, centralizing all internal training opportunities into a single, easily accessible platform. Previously, there was no unified location where staff and fellows could get a comprehensive overview of available…
