Embl.org: The great migration
EMBL’s online presence has now shifted decisively to our new website, embl.org
Informing, inspiring, and engaging society with EMBL’s research, services and training
EMBL’s online presence has now shifted decisively to our new website, embl.org
Today, we have reached an important milestone for the project: we can present to you the first page. That’s right. Just one, single, webpage.
After a relaxing end-of-year break, the digital team is back in Heidelberg and raring to get started on our many projects. This week we built a dashboard to help us to keep track of the scope, status and dependencies of our nearly two-dozen projects.
Here’s a pretentious piece of jargon for you: “Affinity sorting.” It means “Writing stuff on post-it notes, sticking them on the wall and then grouping similar ones together.” And it’s a hugely useful exercise for prioritising content on websites. Last week, Mark and I ran affinity…
Recently we did a two-week sprint with Jon, Peter, Maged and Liang of the EBI web team. They helped us set up the technical infrastructure to prepare the first landing pages for the new embl.org. What are the landing pages again? Landing pages are the beginnings of the new EMBL website, embl.org.…
Indulge me, if you will, with a lengthy zoological introduction. In the 1700s, the Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus devised a system for classifying all the organisms of the Earth. Each species received a unique name comprising two parts, following Latin grammatical construction. The mice in the…
I’ve spent my first month at EMBL settling in, meeting talented people, and working out how the various digital projects that StratComm has planned will fit together. We have a whole host of digital objectives – revamping embl.org, improving the intranet, fixing Search, creating a unified…