Embl.org: From so simple a beginning…
Today, we have reached an important milestone for the project: we can present to you the first page. That’s right. Just one, single, webpage.
Informing, inspiring, and engaging society with EMBL’s research, services and training
Today, we have reached an important milestone for the project: we can present to you the first page. That’s right. Just one, single, webpage.
Growing an EMBL-EBI solution into a Visual Framework for the life sciences Building a website is easy. Building a good website is trickier. Building that good site quickly is hard. And if you want a beyond-hard challenge, also match your organisation’s look, feel and brand requirements.
How a controlled and structured vocabulary frees us from focusing where online content lives. Now we can focus on what it’s about. One of the main goals of the EMBL Corporate Design Sprint 2 is to enable better user journeys on a future pan-EMBL web architecture. One key aspect is content…
From press releases about our latest discoveries and recaps of alumni or sponsor events to conference announcements or service updates – EMBL has many stories to tell to a variety of local and global, general interest and expert audiences. The digital channels we’re currently using for this are…
Last week I wrote about how the EMBL Corporate Design Sprint distilled a brand map into a brand structure. Today I’m writing the second installation with a post on how we’re using those core principles as the base for our brand information architecture (hereafter: IA) and a unique tool: the…
During EMBL’s 43 years it has grown in size, scope and geography. Today EMBL has six sites, many activity areas and focuses on five related but distinct missions. There is a very strong unifying concept at the core of EMBL. However, during those years of growth a solid conceptual view of how…
The purpose of intra1 was to understand how people currently use EMBL’s intranets. Specifically, we wanted to: Understand audience behaviours Define audience segments Define the functions and the scope of EMBL’s intranets Inform the EMBL community about projects to rebuild EMBL’s core…
On Tuesday, 18 April we kicked off the first research phase for the EMBL intranet project. This first phase, or sprint, will run until 12 May and we’ve codenamed it ‘intra1’. The purpose of this sprint is to: understand current user behaviours define audience segments establish…
We are going to be kicking off some long-term projects to redesign EMBL’s web presence. Before we begin, it’s important to establish a clear understanding of what we mean by this. Are we talking about: A new website? The website? All of EMBL’s websites? We are thinking of this…