Our mission is to train scientists. This blog is a platform for us to share updates on our annual programme, tips and tricks for scientists, new e-learning opportunities, and sometimes just something to make you smile.
This year EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is teaming up with Medicines Discovery Catapult (MDC) on 22nd April to deliver an exciting new SME forum: Bioinformatics for Biobusiness (B4BB). This virtual event will promote the power of bioinformatics in driving success across the life science business sectors.
We’re welcoming all businesses engaged in using biodata to take a deep-dive into how to use bioinformatics to grow your business. The agenda has been developed in an open forum style, with a full line-up of expert speakers, including John Overington, Chief Informatics Officer at MDC, Jason Swedlow, Professor of Quantitative Cell Biology at the University of Dundee and Neil Hall, Joint Head of ELIXIR-UK). There is also an opportunity to book a 1:1 meeting with Marc Daigneault, Head of Research Funding at Medicines Discovery Catapult.
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Meet in small groups with expert bioinformaticians, and like-minded SMEs using informatics to advance their businesses | Explore software tools and services enabling access and analyses in various biomolecular domains | Discover available support, and the diverse range of open biological data resources | Hear updates on the latest developments in genomics, proteins, chemical biology and imaging | Discover available support, and the diverse range of open biological data resources |
The half day interactive forum will bring together a raft of information from EMBL-EBI’s bioinformatics resources that are made public and freely available to the global R&D community, and a chance to discover the support available from MDC and their work to reshape the medicines discovery community by championing innovative life science technology in the UK.
There has been a fantastic response since the event opened for registration, and there are still places available. Visit the website for the full event information including the agenda, register your place and for a chance to view a series of preview videos presented by the experts showcasing resources at B4BB.
For any other questions contact Effie Mutasa-Gottgens, Senior Scientific Officer or Lucie Smith, Event Organiser, in the EMBL-EBI Industry partnerships team.