Blog – Page 12 – Course and Conference Office


Our mission is to train scientists. This blog is a platform for us to share updates on our annual programme, tips and tricks for scientists, new e-learning opportunities, and sometimes just something to make you smile.

The EMBL Course and Conference Office was established in 1983 to support EMBL scientists in the organisation of conferences, medium-sized workshops, practical courses, EMBL internal and one-off events. 

EMBL-EBI Training website: one year on

Author: Anna Swan, Scientific Training Officer, e-learning at EMBL-EBI. In February 2021, we launched the new EMBL-EBI Training website. Read more about that in our previous blog post. Since then we’ve had over 600,000 visitors from around the world using the site to discover our live…

Isidro Cortes Ciriano.

Meet the trainer: Isidro Cortes Ciriano

We sat down with Isidro Cortes Ciriano to discuss his involvement with the upcoming EMBL-EBI Cancer genomics course, and find out what training means to him.  Cancer genomics | 20 – 24 June 2022 | Hinxton, UK Hi Isidro! Tell us a bit about yourself for those that don’t…

Best Poster Prize at ‘Cancer genomics’

Over 65 posters were presented at the virtual EMBL Conference ‘Cancer genomics’, covering cancer genome projects, cancer functional genomics, systems biology, cancer immunogenomics and epigenomics, cancer mouse models and the translation and clinical impact of obtained scientific…

Best Poster Flash Talk winners of the Mobile Genome

This year, the virtual EMBO Workshop: “the Mobile Genome: Genetic and Physiological Impacts of Transposable Elements” centered around the broad impacts of TEs on organismal biology. It turned out to be a diverse meeting with interesting cross-disciplinary discussions,…

Meet the EMBL Events Team: Sophie

Meet the newest member of the EMBL-EBI training team, Sophie Spencer. She joined the team in October 2021 with a focus on the on-site and virtual training programme. We sat down with Sophie to get to know her and find out about some of the other career paths she could have taken. Welcome to the…

Seeing is Believing Best Poster Awards

From its beginning in 2011, Seeing is Believing has embraced novel imaging technologies that open new windows for biological discovery, including single-molecule and super-resolution, light sheet and correlative light electron microscopy. This year, the EMBO| EMBL Symposium was held virtually for…

Multiomics to Mechanisms Best Poster Awards

The EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Multiomics to Mechanisms: Challenges in Data Integration took place virtually 15 – 17 September 2021. With over 400 participants, this was the biggest multi-omics conference since it began in 2017. We had 96 posters presented virtually, and are excited to share…

Record attendance at New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology

Written by event reporter Magdalena Wutkowska. This year’s EMBO|EMBL Symposium: New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology took place 7-9 July 2021. For the first time in its history, the meeting was held virtually, with a record of over 650 attendees from all over the world. The three…

Meet the Trainer – Jonathan Manning

The Introduction to RNA-seq and Functional Interpretation course (21 – 25 February 2022) is now open for applications and we thought we would introduce you to one of the course trainers, Jonathan Manning. Jonathan is a Bioinformatician in the Gene Expression group. His role is to…



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