Blog – Page 16 – Course and Conference Office


Our mission is to train scientists. This blog is a platform for us to share updates on our annual programme, tips and tricks for scientists, new e-learning opportunities, and sometimes just something to make you smile.

The EMBL Course and Conference Office was established in 1983 to support EMBL scientists in the organisation of conferences, medium-sized workshops, practical courses, EMBL internal and one-off events. 

Evolution and ecology goes virtual – a complete run down of the conference!

From our virtual event reporter Magdalena Wutkowska, The University Centre in Svalbard / UiT – The Arctic University of Tromsø, @m_wutkowska The EMBL conference on Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution and Ecology took place from 30 September to 2 October 2020. The meeting – which had its…

Win a free registration to a 2021 conference of your choice

This year didn’t quite go as planned, but we are ready to kick-start 2021 the right way. That is why we are giving away four free registrations to a 2021 conference of your choice. How can you win?  Quite simply:  Caption this! Leave your answer on the picture of our yeast cell…


CABANA – not just a shelter from the sun

You may have heard the name CABANA floating around the EMBL training programme, but you may not know exactly what it is. Here we present a handy guide to the project, its origins and where it stands now almost three years on from its launch. CABANA is a capacity strengthening project for…

EMBL-EBI Industry cog graphic

EMBL-EBI Industry Partnerships: Work with us to solve your data challenges

Partnering with industry has been a core part of EMBL-EBI’s mission right from the very beginning and a significant number of our users come from this sector. As we celebrate an incredible 25 years of industry collaboration next year, let’s hear from Andrew Leach, the new Head of…

Tackling gender imbalance in academia

Event report by Suzanna Prosser, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Canada Gender imbalance is a longstanding issue in academia, with men still more likely to progress to the highest levels. Institutional and individual biases, attitudes, and self-limiting beliefs are only some of…

Best Poster Awards – EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Organoids 2020

The recent virtual EMBO|EMBL Symposium on Organ Development and Disease in 3D Culture saw the highest number of registrations we have had since we launched the format. A total of 880 researchers from around the world got together online to discuss recent developments in the formation and…

14th EMBL Conference: Transcription and Chromatin

Event Report by Apoorva Baluapuri, University of Würzburg, Germany As it happens frequently in life, there is always something good that comes out of a bad situation. The scientific world seems to be in the midst of such a situation, where all possibilities to share exciting discoveries and…

Meet the EMBL Events Team: Rianne

We are very happy to welcome Rianne Moes to the Course and Conference Office marketing team! Rianne, her husband and her son just arrived to Heidelberg from Utrecht, in the Netherlands, a couple of months ago. New job, new house, new house again, taking care of a baby boy, all of this in the middle…

Ada Lovelace portrait

Ada Lovelace Day 2021 – The women of computational biology today

Ada Lovelace is often regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of computers and as one of the first computer programmers.  In honour of Ada Lovelace Day 2021, we are resharing our blog piece from last year where we shone the spotlight on some of the remarkable women that we…

EMBL’s Corporate Partnership Programme celebrates 10 years of impact

As EMBL’s Advanced Training Centre passes its 10th anniversary, Corporate Partnership Manager Jonathan Rothblatt reflects on the ATC Corporate Partnership Programme and how it promotes training for outstanding scientists. Since its opening in March 2010, the EMBL Advanced Training Centre (ATC)…



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