Tissue Self-Organisation: Challenging the Systems – Course and Conference Office

EMBO | EMBL Symposium

Tissue Self-Organisation: Challenging the Systems


The final programmeposter listingbus schedule and onsite handout (with logistical information) are now available for download.

Ahead of the meeting, speaker Madeline Lancaster shares how curiosity and serendipity culminated
in her pioneering method to grow cerebral organoids.

Symposium Overview

This symposium aims to understand the mechanisms of self-organising properties of multi-cellular systems. One of the defining features of living systems is their capacity to break symmetry and self-organise to form reproducible shapes and patterns. However, the mechanistic understanding of this process remains a challenge as it requires a multi-disciplinary approach. This symposium will bring together those working in distinct disciplines such as cell and developmental biology, tissue biophysics, theoretical modelling, organoids and synthetic biology, and will provide a platform to discuss and identify key approaches and future collaborations.

Session Topics

  • Symmetry breaking in cells and tissues
  • Collective cell behaviour
  • Morphogenesis
  • Tissue mechanics
  • Pattern formation
  • Modelling self-organisation
  • Synthetic biology
  • Organogenesis and organoids

Who should attend?

Researchers working on both the mechanisms and manipulation of tissue morphogenesis, using in vivo animal models and ex vivo organoid approaches.


Speakers and Trainers


William M. Bement

University of Wisconsin-Madison,


Gaudenz Danuser

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center


Stefano De Renzis

EMBL Heidelberg


Suzanne Eaton

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics


Zev J. Gartner

University of California, San Francisco


Matthew C. Gibson

Stowers Institute for Medical Research


Carl-Philipp Heisenberg

Institute of Science and Technology Austria


Kinneret Keren

Technion- Israel Institute of Technology


Madeline Lancaster

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology


Thomas L. Lecuit

IBDM, Collège de France


Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil

Institut Curie


Rong Li

Johns Hopkins University


Prisca Liberali

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research


L. Mahadevan

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research


Stefano Piccolo

University of Padova


Petra Schwille

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry


Manuel Théry

Hopital Saint-Louis


James M. Wells

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


Scientific Organisers

Darren Gilmour

University of Zurich


Takashi Hiiragi

EMBL Heidelberg


Celeste M. Nelson

Princeton University


Orion Weiner

University of California, San Francisco,


Conference Organisers

Tim Nürnberger

EMBL Heidelberg



Time Speaker
12.45-14.30Arrival / Registration with light refreshments
13.30-14.15Industry workshop hosted by Fluidigm in Helix Room A (first come – first served)
14.30-14.45Opening remarks
14.45-18.30Session 1: Cellular Organisation
Chair: Orion Weiner
14.45-15.15A template for actin organization at the leading edge
Orion Weiner, University of California, San Francisco
15.15-15.30Selected talk: Benny Shilo, Weizmann Institute of Science
15.30-15.45Selected talk: Inna Averbukh, Weizmann Institute of Science
15.45-16.15Dynamics and instabilities of contractile actin networks in artificial cells
Kinneret Keren, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology
16.15-17.00Coffee Break & Meet the Speakers
17.00-17.30EMBO Young Investigator Lecture:
Contribution of polarity reversal to the formation of metastases

Manuel Théry, Hopital Saint-Louis
17.30-17.45Selected talk: Natalie Kirkland, University College London
17.45-18.00Selected talk: William Roman, Instituto de Medicina Molecular
18.00-18.30Cellular proteostasis during aging through asymmetric cell division and organelle-based clearance
Rong Li, Johns Hopkins University
18.30-20.00Welcome Dinner
Time Speaker
09.00-12.15Session 1 (continued): Cellular Organisation
Chair: Orion Weiner
09.00-09.30Bring the pain:  Response of an excitable embryo to cell damage
William M. Bement, University of Wisconsin-Madison
09.30-09.45Selected talk: Clemens Cabernard, University of Washington, Seattle
09.45-10.00Selected talk: Jérémy Sallé, Jacques Monod Institute (CNRS)
10.00-10.30Dendritic Cell Migration: from microfluidics to in vivo imaging
Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil, Institut Curie
10.30-11.15Coffee Break
11.15-11.45Probing the feedback interactions between cell morphogenesis and signaling
Gaudenz Danuser, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
11.45-12.00Selected talk: Claudio Franco, Instituto de Medicina Molecular
12.00-12.15Selected talk: Alexis Maizel, Heidelberg University
12.15-14.00Lunch in ATC Foyer
14.00-17.45Session 2: Mechanics
Chair: Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
14.00-14.30Control and self-organization of cell mechanics during tissue morphogenesis
Thomas L. Lecuit, IBDM, Collège de France
14.30-14.45Selected talk: Xinyi Yang, Institut Biologie Paris Seine
14.45-15.00Selected talk: Stephanie Ellis, The Rockefeller University
15.00-15.30To be presented onsite
Suzanne Eaton, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
15.30-16.15Coffee Break & Meet the Speakers
16.15-16.45Motifs in morphogenesis
L. Mahadevan, Harvard University
16.45-17.00Selected talk: Andrew Lawton, Sloan Kettering Institute
17.00-17.15Selected talk: Rob Tetley, University College London
17.15-17.45Tissue genetics: clonality, heterogeneity, and growth in Drosophila imaginal epithelia
Matthew C. Gibson, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
17.45-18.00Selected Flash Talks (1 slide / 2 min each):
Barriga #55 / DasGupta #63 / He #75 / Imran Alsou #77 / Masselink #85 / Petridou #93
18.00-19.30Poster Session I (odd numbers) with beer and snacks
21.00-22.30After-dinner drinks in ATC Rooftop Lounge
Time Speaker
09.00-11.45Session 3: Synthetic Biology
Chair: Stefano De Renzis
09.00-09.30Synthetic Morphogenesis in Naive Embryonic Tissues
Stefano De Renzis, EMBL Heidelberg
09.30-09.45Selected talk: Victoria Deneke, Duke University
09.45-10.00Selected talk: Mijo Simunovic, The Rockefeller University
10.00-10.45Coffee Break
10.45-11.15Tissue Origami: engineering tissue folding by mechanical compaction of the mesenchyme
Zev J. Gartner, University of California, San Francisco
11.15-11.30Selected talk: Tony Tsai, Harvard Medical School
11.30-11.45Selected talk: Rashmi Priya, MPI for Heart and Lung Research
11.45-13.30Lunch in ATC Foyer
13.30-14.00How membranes template protein self-organization
Petra Schwille, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
14.00-18.00Session 4: Self-organisation
Chair: Takashi Hiiragi
14.00-14.30From Single Cell To Cell Collective And Back
Darren Gilmour, EMBL Heidelberg
14.30-14.45Selected talk: Akankshi Munjal, Harvard Medical School
14.45-15.00Selected talk: Michel Bagnat, Duke University
15.00-15.30Organ size control via the interplay between luminal pressure and cell mechanics
Chii Jou Chan, EMBL Heidelberg
15.30-16.15Coffee Break & Meet the Speakers
16.15-16.45Human Pluripotent stem cell-derived gastrointestinal organoids as new models to study developmental processes in humans
James M. Wells, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
16.45-17.00Selected talk: Stephanie Höhn, University of Cambridge
17.00-17.15Selected talk: Miguel Concha, Universidad de Chile
17.15-17.45Self-organization and symmetry breaking of intestinal organoids
Prisca Liberali, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
17.45-18.00Selected Flash Talks (1 slide / 2 min each):
Bailles #52 / Baumgärtner #56 / Libby #83 / Pour #95 / Schauer #102 / Zinner #121
18.00-19.30Poster Session II (even numbers plus #83 / #95 / #121) with beer and snacks
19.30-21.30Conference Dinner
21.30-00.00Conference Party with DJ
Time Speaker
09.00-13.00Session 5: Modeling Organogenesis and disease
Chair: Darren Gilmour
09.00-09.30YAP/TAZ in stem cells and tissue regeneration
Stefano Piccolo, University of Padova
09.30-09.45Selected talk: Francesco Atzeni, University of Zurich
09.45-10.00Selected talk: Chengming Chuong, University of Southern California
10.00-10.30Studying Human Brain Development and Evolution in Cerebral Organoids
Madeline Lancaster, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
10.30-11.15Coffee Break & Meet the Speakers
11.15-11.45Developing under pressure: physical force as a pacer of morphogenesis
Celeste M. Nelson, Princeton University
11.45-12.00Selected talk: Francis Corson, CNRS / Ecole Normale Supérieure
12.00-12.15Selected talk: Etienne Loiseau, CNRS
12.15-12.45Ooplasmic segregation in zebrafish
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
12.45-13.00Closing remarks
13.00-13.35Packed lunch
13.35Bus departures

Date: 11 - 14 Mar 2018

Location: EMBL Heidelberg
