Probing Neural Dynamics with Behavioural Genetics – Course and Conference Office

EMBO | EMBL Symposium

Probing Neural Dynamics with Behavioural Genetics


Symposium Overview

One of the ultimate challenges in neuroscience is to link the dynamics of brain activity to behaviour. Cutting-edge experimental methodologies such as calcium imaging, multi-electrode recordings and optogenetics in freely-behaving animals of different genetic backgrounds have generated a wealth of rich data sets. In order to gain a better understanding, such studies need to be analysed through bioinformatics, computational analysis and theory. This meeting seeks to bring together experts on how the brain integrates information about sensory inputs and internal state into behavioural responses. This topic will be illustrated by studies in different model organisms and will range from sensory-motor to cognitive behaviour. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions between molecular, physiological, behavioural and computational neuroscientists.

Session Topics

  • Motor systems
  • Predictive coding and processing
  • Mathematical tools and statistical modelling
  • Learning and memory/navigation
  • Disorders
  • Sensory processing

Related Organisations

Date: 10 - 13 Apr 2019

Location: EMBL Heidelberg
