Biological oscillators: rhythms and synchronisation across scales – Course and Conference Office

EMBO | EMBL Symposium

Biological oscillators: rhythms and synchronisation across scales


This conference will take place at EMBL Heidelberg, with the option to attend virtually.

Symposium overview

Are you interested to discuss oscillatory phenomena and biological dynamical systems, accross temporal and spatial scales? At this symposium, multiple disciplines will come together in order to discuss common themes linked to oscillations, rhythms and synchronization, in a broad range of contexts. The 2024 edition of this established symposium will expand the discussion to the scale of ecological oscillations and willl also highlight the interplay between internal and environmental rhythms.

This meeting provides a unique platform to bring together a community working at the interface between quantitative biology, complex oscillatory systems, modelling and theory. As with the editions in 2015, 2018 and 2022, this meeting aims to serve as a bridge between experimentalists and theorists and to reveal common challenges and approaches that can be shared across fields.

Session Topics

  • Oscillation mechanisms across different scales: from circadian clock to embryonic oscillators to biochemical (metabolic) oscillations
  • Oscillation function across scale and context
  • Synchronisation of coupled oscillators
  • Ecological rhythms and oscillations
  • Mathematical modelling and computational approaches
  • Imaging approaches to study oscillatory dynamics

Pre-symposium workshop

‘Oscillator Theory for Biologists” workshop (optional). Registration and details of this will be announced nearer the date

What past participants say about the Symposium

“As a first-time attendant at EMBL conference on Biological oscillations, I found the event exceptionally excellent! As an interdisciplinary researcher I learned about so many diverse topics, and I was even offered a possible postdoc position!” – Hamed Yeganegi, Chair of Zoology, TUM Munich and GSN, LMU Munich, Germany

“It was an exciting conference where new research, unexpected results, and profound analysis were presented. In addition, very bold hypotheses were discussed. As a result, I have new ideas for further research and possible collaborations.” – Nancy Papalopulu, F.M.I., Basel, Switzerland

Date: 19 - 22 Mar 2024

Location: EMBL Heidelberg and Virtual

Venue: EMBL Advanced Training Centre


Abstract submission: Closed

Registration (On-site): Closed

Registration (Virtual): Closed


  • Alexander Aulehla
    EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

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