Fundamentals of Widefield and Confocal Microscopy and Imaging – Course and Conference Office

EMBL Course

Fundamentals of Widefield and Confocal Microscopy and Imaging


Course Overview

Light microscopy is the most widely used form of microscopy for life science research. The correct handling of the microscope and optimising image quality (e.g. contrast, resolution) as well as experimental design according to different applications are crucial to obtain the best results.

This course will provide the participants with an overview about the basics of microscopy (light and optics, contrast techniques and imaging). The confocal part will include multicolor, 3D- and time lapse imaging as well as spectral imaging, photobleaching (FRAP, FLIP, FLAP) and photoactivation techniques. Basic image analysis tools including measurement functions, colocalisation and spectral unmixing as well as 3D/4D image processing will be covered, both in theory and practice. The course will combine lectures with intense daily hands-on practices followed by discussions.


This course is directed towards PhD students and faculty searching for instruction on light microscopy and basic image processing.


  • Basics of optics and microscopy
  • Contrast methods
  • Basics of digital imaging
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Hands on sessions

Learning Outcomes

Participants will get an overview about the basics of microscopy.

This course is organised in cooperation with Olympus.


Speakers, Trainers and Organisers

Florian Eich

Olympus Europa SE & CO.KG


Jens Marquardt

Olympus Europa SE & CO.KG,


Stefan Terjung

EMBL Heidelberg


Course Organisers

Tim Nürnberger

EMBL Heidelberg



Date: 11 - 15 Jun 2018

Location: EMBL Heidelberg
