Super-resolution microscopy: time-resolved STED nanoscopy – Course and Conference Office

EMBL Course

Super-resolution microscopy: time-resolved STED nanoscopy


EMBL is committed to sharing research advances and sustaining scientific interaction throughout the coronavirus pandemic. We are delighted to announce that the course is going virtual and invite you to join us online.

Course Overview

This six-day comprehensive microscopy course focuses on stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) and its application to biological questions. Through lectures, tutorials, demonstrations and practical workshops, the course provides in-depth knowledge on all aspects of STED Nanoscopy. It covers the fundamentals of STED microscopy, different technical implementations and has a strong emphasis on sample preparation – including choice of fluorophores and refractive index matching, as well as image acquisition strategies for fixed samples and living cells. Students will have the opportunity for exercises on state-of the art STED microscopes in which they will acquire high quality nanoscopy data. The faculty consists of Invited guest researchers, experts from the EMBL and Leica Microsystems.


This course is designed for researchers at the early stages of their career in the life sciences (e.g. pre or postdoctoral level), ideally with access to a STED microscope. The participants should have an immediate need to apply the trained skills for their biological questions. The course is strongly centered on practical aspects of STED microscopy and is therefore especially suited for people who rely on STED nanoscopy for their research.


The course will cover the entire range of skills needed to apply STED nanoscopy in biology. The following topics will be covered in lectures, tutorials as well as in practical workshops:

  • Sample preparation for STED microscopy, including choice of fluorophores and refractive index matching
  • Technical implementations – CW-STED, pulsed-STED, gated-STED, time-resolved STED (tauSTED)
  • Multi-Color 2D and 3D STED microscopy
  • Image acquisition strategies for live-cell STED

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to design experiments using STED microscopy, prepare high-quality microscopy samples and acquire state-of-the-art nanoscopy images.

This course is organised in cooperation with Leica Microsystems.

What Past Participants Say About the Course

“A well-organised course, with a good balance of brilliant workshops, (pre-recorded) talks, tutorials, discussions and “fun parts”. Although this was held in a virtual format, it offered the opportunity to operate/control the system/software remotely. The course helped me to deepen and expand my knowledge in super resolution microscopy (especially STED) and to further optimise and improve my experiments.” – Daniela Bender, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany


Speakers and Trainers

Kai Johnsson

Max Planck Institute for Medical Research


Scientific Organisers

Course Organisers


Got something to say? Tweet it with #EMBLSuperResolution

  • The virtual course will start on Friday 8 July with an onboarding and introduction session. The course will continue on Monday 11 July and finish on Friday 15 July with the regular programme. Full-time attendance is required for the course duration.
  • Participants will be required to view the pre-recorded talks prior to the main start of the course.
  • The course will include live and pre-recorded talks, interactive discussion sessions, online practicals, hands-on exercises and networking.
  • Information on the live stream and access to the course platform will be provided shortly before the start of the event.
  • In order to accommodate different time zones, Workshop Groups 1+2 will always be scheduled in the afternoon (CEST) and Groups 3+4 always in the morning (CEST).
  • All times in the programme below are shown as the time in Europe (Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris).

To find out the equivalent time zone in your location, enter Berlin, the CEST programme time and your city into the Time Zone Converter.

Day 0 – Friday 8 July 2022
Time (CEST)Session
12:30-12:45Check-in and house notes
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
12:45-13:00Welcome and course overview
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Ulf Schwarz – Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Germany
13:00-13:30Q&A Pre-Course Material & Introduction to Workshops
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Ulf Schwarz – Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Germany
13:30-14:30Flash Talks Part 1
14:45-15:45Flash Talks Part 2
15:45 -16:30 Virtual Social Programme: Bar Mixer

Day 1 – Monday 11 July 2022
Time (CEST)Session
12:30-12:45Check-in and overview of the day
12:45-13:30Introduction to STED Microscopy
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Ulf Schwarz – Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Germany
13:30-14:15Niccolò Banterle – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
14:30-15:15Super-resolution imaging of the kidney filter using advanced sample preparation
David Unnersjö-Jess – University of Cologne, Germany
15:15-16:00New fluorescent probes for live-cell imaging
Kai Johnsson – Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany
16:00-16:30 Break
WS 1 Multi Color STED Imaging of fixed samplesGroup 1
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Luis Alvarez, Jana Döhner
WS 2 Imaging of Cleared tissue & ExM-STEDGroup 2
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, David Unnersjö-Jess

Day 2 – Tuesday 12 July 2022

Time (CEST)Session
10:00-12:00WS 1 Multi Color STED Imaging of fixed samplesGroup 3
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Luis Alvarez, Jana Döhner
WS 2 Imaging of Cleared tissue & ExM-STEDGroup 4
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, David Unnersjö-Jess
12:00-12:30 Break
12:30-12:45Check-in and overview of the day
12:45-13:30Studying the structure of chromosomes and NPCs in single human cells by super-resolution microscopy
Kai Sandvold Beckwith – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
13:30-14:15Optimization of protocols and image acquisition strategies for live-cell tauSTED
Magalie Benard & Damien Schapman – University of Rouen Normandy, France
14:15- 14:30Break
14:30-15:15TauSTED: pushing STED beyond its limits with a lifetime
Ulf Schwarz – Leica Microsystems, Germany
15:15-16:00Virtual Social Programme: Speed networking
16:30-18:30WS 1 Multi Color STED Imaging of fixed samplesGroup 1
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Luis Alvarez, Jana Döhner
WS 2 Imaging of Cleared tissue & ExM-STEDGroup 2
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, David Unnersjö-Jess
Day 3 – Wednesday 13 July 2022
Time (CEST)Session
10:00-12:00 WS 1 Multi Color STED Imaging of fixed samples –Group 4
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Luis Alvarez, Jana Döhner
WS 2 Imaging of Cleared tissue & ExM-STEDGroup 3
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, David Unnersjö-Jess
12:30-12:45Check-in and overview of the day
12:45 -13:30pre-recorded talk
Giuseppe Vicidomini – Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
13:30-14:15Investigating cellular logistics with live-cell STED
Francesca Bottanelli – Freie Universität Berlin,
14:30-15:00Tutorial: Sample Preparation 1 – Refractive Index Matching and Optics
Ulf Schwarz -Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Germany
15:00-15:15EuroBioImaging- Opportunities for Researchers
Antje Keppler – Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
15:15-16:00Virtual Social Programme: Online pictionary
16:30-18:30 WS 3 Live cell imagingGroup 1
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, Luis Alvarez
WS 4 Advanced STED ImagingGroup 2
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Alexander Stockhammer

Day 4 – Thursday 14 July 2022

Time (CEST)Session
10:00-12:00 WS 3 Live cell imagingGroup 3
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, Luis Alvarez
WS 4 Advanced live cell STED Imaging
Group 4
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Alexander Stockhammer
12:30-12:45Check-in and overview of the day
12:45-13:30Characterization of organelle dynamics with live-cell nanoscopy
Giovanna Coceano – KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
13:30-14:15Tutorial: Sample Preparation 2 – Fluorophores and staining
Jana Döhner – University of Zurich, Switzerland
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
14:30-15:15Exchangeable fluorophore labels in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
Mike Heilemann – Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
15:15-16:00Virtual Social Programme: Bar Mixer
16:30-18:30 WS 3 Live cell imagingGroup 2
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, Luis Alvarez
WS 4 Advanced STED ImagingGroup 1
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Alexander Stockhammer

Day 5 – Friday 15 July 2022

Time (CEST)Session
10:30-12:00WS 3 Live cell imaging – Group 4
Trainers: Ulf Schwarz, Luis Alvarez
WS 4 Advanced STED ImagingGroup 3
Trainers: Marko Lampe, Alexander Stockhammer
12:30-12:45Check-in and overview of the day
12:45-13:30 Minimal click chemistry-based genetically encoded tags for fluorescent protein labeling in living cells
Ivana Nikić-Spiegel – University of Tübingen, Germany
13:30-14:15Tutorial Sample Preparation 3 – Fixation strategy and sample mounting
Jana Döhner – University of Zurich, Switzerland
Marko Lampe – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
14:30-15:00Discussion rounds
15:00-15:25 Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Jana Döhner – University of Zurich, Switzerland
15:25-15:50Live cell labelling – a chemical perspective
Michelle Frei – University of California San Diego, USA
15:50-16:15Closing remarks, comments, farewell and group photo

Practical Information

Registration Fees and Motivation Letter

The course is limited to 20 participants. For selection purposes, please note that your application will not be considered without a letter of motivation.


Registration Fees (include admission and all course materials):

PhD Student€125

Confirmation and Payment

The registration fee should be paid only after acceptance to the course. The results will be announced approximately 2-3 weeks after the application deadline.

Motivation Letter Submission

After you have logged in and successfully registered, you will receive an email asking you to submit your motivation letter. Click on the link provided and enter your motivation letter in the text box provided. Alternatively you can submit your motivation letter by clicking on the link on the confirmation page directly after registering.


  1. Include your relevant skills, experience and qualifications showing why you would be suitable for the course.
  2. Explain why you would like to attend, including what you can contribute and how you think you will benefit from the course.

Please note:

  • The limit of 2000 characters refers to manually typed text and excludes spaces. If an error occurs try using a different web browser (preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
  • If you copy-paste the text into the form, hidden formatting might still be included which may cause the text to exceed the 2,000 character limit resulting in an error message. We recommend you clear all formatting before pasting in the text.
  • If you have special symbols in your text, make sure you are using Unicode characters, otherwise these will not be recognised.

For more detailed information, follow the instructions provided in our video on how to submit a course motivation letter.

Further Details

For further information about registration and motivation letter submission please refer to the FAQ page.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Registration Fee Waivers

All academic and student registrants are invited to apply for a registration fee waiver, provided by the EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Programme and EMBO. The registration fee waiver covers the registration sum that you have paid to attend the meeting. Conference participants are not required to pre-pay the registration fee to be selected for a fee waiver for a virtual meeting. If you have already paid the registration fee and are awarded a fee waiver, it will be reimbursed after the meeting. Course participants are required to pay the course fee in advance, which will then be reimbursed after the recipient has attended the course.

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grant

Applies to selected courses only. Availability will be indicated during the abstract or motivation letter submission process.

This grant covers costs related to your attendance to the course (registration, travel and accommodation costs). The grant is restricted to PhD students and postdocs who conduct basic biomedical research.
Whether you are eligible to apply for a travel grant, depends on when you received your university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, A-Levels, High School Diploma, Final State Examination):

– for PhD and MD students, as well as graduates, the university entrance qualification must not have been obtained more than 11 years ago at the time of the envisaged course
– for postdocs, the university entrance qualification must not have been obtained more than 13 years ago at the time of the envisaged course


Applications for financial assistance can be submitted via the submission portal* (for the submission of abstracts for conferences or the submission of motivation letters for courses) by completing the Financial Assistance Application Section (underneath the section for entering abstract/motivation letter information). The link to the portal can be found in the registration confirmation email that you will receive after registering for the conference or course.

For conferences, if you are not submitting an abstract, you can still apply for financial assistance in the submission portal. Read the instructions on how to apply for financial assistance.

Note that priority will be given to those submitting an abstract to present at the conference. In your application you will be asked to answer questions regarding your motivation for applying, and, for registration fee waivers, the reasons why your lab cannot fund your attendance and how your attendance will make a difference to your career. Application for financial support will not affect the outcome of your registration application.

*For some events, applications for Childcare Grants will still be done by email. Information about the grant will be sent out shortly after the abstract/motivation letter deadline. Please contact the event Conference Officer if you have any questions.


The scientific organisers will select the recipients of registration fee waivers during the abstract selection process for conferences and the participant selection process for courses. Results will be announced approximately 3 – 4 weeks before the event start date. Selection results do not impact your admission to the meeting. Registration fee waiver selection is based on your current work or study location, your motivation for applying, the reasons for needing financial support and the impact this event will have on your career. Childcare grants are allocated based on career stage, with priority given to early stage researchers.

Further details

Check out this list of external funding opportunities or get more information on attending the conference as an event reporter.

For further information about financial assistance please refer to the FAQ page.

Technical Requirements


The EMBL eCampus learning platform will be used to collaborate, communicate and network with all of the course participants. All participants will receive information on how to join shortly before the course. We recommend using Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox browsers for eCampus. 

Zoom will be used during the course for the live discussion and feedback sessions and the course practicals and networking. More information will be provided closer to the start of the course.

Internet requirements

  • Client computer with fast and stable internet access for the live virtual sessions:
  • Minimum: 50 mbit download and 10 mbit upload
  • Preferred: 100 mbit download and upload (at your host institute)
  • Please note that it is recommended to use two computer screens.
  • Headsets is highly recommended for improved voice clarity and better audio
Additional Information

Please find additional information including FAQs and terms and conditions on our Information for Participants page.


Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a variety of event sponsoring possibilities, with the flexibility to select a set sponsorship package or combine individual sponsorship options to suit your event budget. Discounts are available for companies sponsoring multiple events at EMBL Heidelberg. View other events, or contact sponsorship@embl.de for further information.

Date: 8 - 15 Jul 2022

Location: Virtual


Application: Closed

