Membrane protein expression, purification, and characterisation 3 (mPEPC3) – Course and Conference Office

EMBO Practical Course

Membrane protein expression, purification, and characterisation 3 (mPEPC3)


Course overview

This hands-on course focuses on training participants on how to work with membrane proteins, troubleshooting in the wet lab during solubilisation and reconstitution, and conducting experiments at the beamlines and during early stages of cryoEM screening.

To perform integrated structural biology experiments, well equipped crystallisation and cryo-EM facilities, as well as beamlines for SAXS for time-resolved macromolecular crystallography will be used.


Applicants in the early stage of their research careers (mid to end of PhD project or early postdoctoral career) will be given preference based on their application. We also welcome applications from non-academic labs.


  • Transient transfection of mammalian cells for recombinant Integral Membrane Proteins (IMP) expression
  • Generation of stable mammalian cell lines for IMP production
  • Solubilisation and quality control of IMPs
  • Reconstitution of membrane proteins
  • Native mass spectrometry on endocytic adaptor proteins
  • SAXS approaches for IMPs
  • Time-resolved X-ray diffraction, setups for going 4D, and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
  • Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
  • Negative stain: a) grid preparation and data recording; b) data analysis and 3D reconstruction
  • Membrane protein modelling

Learning outcomes

Participants will enhance their knowledge and skills in structural studies of membrane proteins, including expression and purification, reconstitution, biophysical characterisation, and structural determination of integral membrane proteins.

Please see EMBL’s COVID-19 safety recommendations for testing and other requirements to attend this on-site course.

Speakers and Trainers

Kim Bartels

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf


Isabel Bento

EMBL Hamburg


Jens Frauenfeld

Salipro Biotech AB


Steve Harborne

Peak Proteins


Rory Hennell James

Centre for Structural Systems Biology – Hamburg


Kevin Janson

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY


Janine-Denise Kopicki

Centre for Structural Systems Biology – Hamburg


Thomas Marlovits

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf and Centre for Structural Systems Biology


Pedram Mehrabi

Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter


Dmitry Molodenskiy

EMBL Hamburg


Thomas Mulvaney

Centre for Structural Systems Biology – Hamburg


Arwen Pearson

Universität Hamburg and Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter


Jennifer Rothe

Centre for Structural Systems Biology – Hamburg


David Ruiz

EMBL Hamburg


Wiebke Schultze

Centre for Structural Systems Biology – Hamburg


Eike Schulz

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf’


Charlotte Uetrecht

Centre for Structural Systems Biology and Leibniz Institute of Virology


Scientific Organisers

Course Organisers

Maria Mercedes Bacadare Goitia

Course and Conference Team Lead

EMBL Heidelberg


Swetlana Krez

EMBL Heidelberg


Preliminary pogramme

Are you on social media? Post using #EMBOPEPC and don’t forget to tag @EMBLEvents

  • Some pre-course work (such as watching pre-recordings, protocol reading and computational exercises) with estimated time 0-10 hours will be required and will be shared in advance of the course.
Day 1 – Monday 9 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
09:00 – 09:30RegistrationCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Ground Floor/Foyer (entrance next to Lecture Hall)
09:30 – 09:45Welcome
Maria Garcia Alai – EMBL Hamburg, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
09:45 – 10:30Lecture 1: “Recombinant protein production in eukaryotic cells”/ Introduction to practical session A
Kim Remans – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
10:30 – 11:30Lecture 2: “Genome engineering for protein production in mammalian cells”/ Introduction to practical session B
Martin Pelosse – EMBL Grenoble, France
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
11:30 – 11:45Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg,
Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
11:45 – 12:45Lecture 3: “Native from native: unique bacterial systems at the service of macromolecular bioimaging”/ Introduction to practical session D
Amit Meir Ben Efraim – Glasgow University, UK
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
12:45 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 15:00Lecture 4: “Fe/siderophore transport and the power stroke mechanism in ABC transporters”/  Introduction
to practical session C
Henning Tidow – Universität of Hamburg, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
15:00 – 16:00Flash Talks Presentations
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
16:00 – 16:30Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
16:30 – 17:30Lecture 5: Integrative modelling tools for Cryo-EM
Thomas Mulvaney (Maya Topf Lab)– Centre for Structural Systems Biology and Leibniz Institute of Virology, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
17:30 – 18:30Poster session 1Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Ground floor/Foyer
18:30 – 21:00Welcome dinner
Day 2 – Tuesday 10 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 09:00Overview of the dayCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Bulding 15, Ground Floor/Foyer (entrance next to Lecture Hall)
09:00 – 10:00Lecture 6: “Native mass spectrometry in biophysical and structural characterization of protein complexes”/ Introduction to practical session E
Charlotte Uetrecht – Centre for Structural Systems Biology and Leibniz Institute of Virology, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
10:00 – 13:00Parallel practical session 1 (with short coffee break)
Practical session A1: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant
protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins (IMPs)
Practical session B: CRISPR-Cas editing of cell lines for integral membrane protein expression
Practical session C: Quality control: Solubilisation and biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins
Practical session E: Native mass spectrometry on membrane adaptor proteins complexes
Practical F: SAXS on membrane proteins
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories ( 01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P12 beamline
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 17:00Parallel practical session 2 (with short coffee break)
Practical session A1: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant
protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins (IMPs)
Practical session B: CRISPR-Cas editing of cell lines for integral membrane protein expression
Practical session C: Quality control: Solubilisation and biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins
Practical session E: Native mass spectrometry on membrane adaptor proteins complexes
Practical F: SAXS on membrane proteins
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories ( 01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P12 beamline
17:00 – 18:00Flash Talks Presentations Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
18:00 – 19:30Poster session 2Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Ground floor/Foyer
19:30 – 22:00Dinner
Day 3 – Wednesday 11 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 09:00Overview of the dayCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Bulding 15, Ground Floor ( entrance next to Lecture Hall)
09:00 – 10:00Lecture 7: “Biophysical proteomics”
Mikhail Savitski – EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
10:00 – 13:00Parallel practical session 3
(with short
coffee break)
Practical session A1: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical session B: CRISPR-Cas editing of cell lines for integral membrane protein expression
Practical session C: Quality control: Solubilisation and biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins
Practical session D: Reconstitution technologies of membrane proteins: liposomes and artificial bilayers
Practical session J: Bioinformatics: AI tools and membrane protein modelling
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (01.228 and 02.228) 
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 14:45Lecture 8: “Same in the membrane – The Salipro Platform for GPCRs and Ion Channels for Drug Development “
Jens Frauenfeld – Salipro Biotech AB, Sweden
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Lecture Hall
14:45 – 15:00Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
15:00 – 18:00Parallel practical session 4
Practical session A1: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical session C: Quality control: Solubilisation and biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins
Practical session E: Native mass spectrometry on membrane proteins complexes
Practical session G: Time-resolved X-ray crystallography, setups for going 4D and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
Practical session I: Cryo-EM grid preparation, data recording and 3D reconstruction
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories ( 01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P14.EH2 beamline
18:30 – 21:00Dinner
Day 4 – Thursday 12 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 09:00Overview of the dayCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Bulding 15, Ground Floor ( entrance next to Lecture Hall)
09:00 – 12:00Parallel practical session 5 (with short coffee break)
Practical session A2: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical session B: CRISPR-Cas editing of cell lines for integral membrane protein expression
Practical session F: SAXS on membrane proteins
Practical session G: Time-resolved X-ray crystallography, setups for going 4D and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
Practical session H: Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories ( 01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P12 & P14.EH2 beamline
12:00 – 13:00Lecture 9: “Membrane protein purification for single-particle Cryo-EM studies”
Juan Du – Van Andel Institute, USA
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 17:00Parallel practical session 6
Practical session A2: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical session B: CRISPR-Cas editing of cell lines for integral membrane protein expression
Practical session C: Quality control: Solubilisation and biophysical characterisation of membrane proteins
Practical session F: SAXS on membrane proteins
Practical session G: Time-resolved X-ray crystallography, setups for going 4D and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories ( 01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P12 & P14.EH2 beamline
17:00 – 17:30Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
17:30 – 18:30Lecture 10: “Unlocking the Structural Basis for the Inhibition of amino acid Transporters”
Azadeh Shahsavar – University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
18:30 – 21:00Dinner
Day 5 – Friday 13 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 09:00Overview of the day
09:00 – 10:00Lecture 11:”Unraveling the Unique Properties of Archaeal Enzymes and Their Potential in Industrial Biocatalysis”
Bettina Siebers – Universität Duisburg – Essen, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
10:00 – 13:00Parallel practical session 7 (with short coffee break)
Practical A2: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical G: Time-resolved X-ray crystallography, setups for going 4D and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
Practical H: Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
Practical F: SAXS on membrane proteins
Practical J: Bioinformatics: AI tools and membrane protein modelling
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (01.228 and 02.228) / EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P12 & P14 beamline
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 15:00Lecture 12: “Cryo-EM on secretion systems”/ Introduction to practical session 9
Thomas Marlovits – UKE Hamburg and Centre for Structural Systems Biology, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
15:00 – 16:00Lecture 13: “Quality control for membrane proteins”
Melanie McDowell – Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
16:00 – 16:30Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
16:30 – 17:30Lecture 14: “Simulating bacterial membrane proteins: the importance of incorporating biological complexity”
Syma Khalid – University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
17:30 – 18:30Lecture 15: “Introduction to TR-crystallography”Arwen Pearson – Universität Hamburg and Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, GermanyCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
19:00 – 22:00Dinner
Day 6 – Saturday 14 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 9:00Overview of the day
09:00 – 10:00Lecture 15: “Sybodies and membrane proteins: happy together”
Markus Seeger – University of Zürich, Switzerland
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
10:00 – 13:00Parallel practical session 8 (with short coffee break)
Practical A1: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical D: Reconstitution technologies of membrane proteins: liposomes and artificial bilayers
Practical I: Cryo-EM grid preparation, data recording and 3D reconstruction
Practical J: Bioinformatics: AI tools and membrane protein modelling
Practical H: Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (02.228) & CryoEM facility (Basement)/ EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P14 beamline
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 15:00Lecture 17: “Current challenges and solutions for sample preparation in single particle cryo-EM”
Stephen Muench – University of Leeds, UK
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
15:00Free afternoon/Excursion in Hamburg
Day 7 – Sunday 15 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
09:50 – 10:00Overview of the day
10:00 – 13:00Parallel practical session 9 (with short coffee break)
Practical A2: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical D: Reconstitution technologies of membrane proteins: liposomes and artificial bilayers
Practical H: Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
Practical I: Cryo-EM grid preparation, data recording and 3D reconstruction
Practical J: Bioinformatics: AI tools and membrane protein modelling
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (02.228) & CryoEM facility (Basement)/ EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P14 beamline
13:00 – 14:00Lunch breakDESY Canteen, Building 9
14:00 – 15:00Lecture 18: in-cell NMR
Lucia Banci – University of Florence, Italy
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
15:00 – 16:00Meet the expert session 1: 
“Pharmaceutical industry perspective on membrane protein research”
Dr. Harm Jan Snijder – Astrazeneca 
“Lessons from membrane protein production for drug discovery projects”
Dr. Julius Nitsche – Proteros Biostructures GmbH
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
16:00 – 16:30Coffee breakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
16:30 – 17:30Lecture 19: “Visualizing nuclear pore complexes through cryo-electron tomography and structural modeling”/ Introduction to practical session 10
Jan Kosinski – EMBL Hamburg, Germany
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
17:30 – 18:30Lecture 20: “Production of Folded and Functional Membrane Proteins for Drug Discovery”
Steve Harborne – Peak Proteins, UK
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
18:30 – 21:00Pizza dinner followed by a roundtable discussion on the different aspects of responsible conduct of researchCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Lecture Hall & Ground Floor
Day 8 – Monday 16 September 2024
Time (Europe/Berlin)SessionLocation
08:50 – 09:00Overview of the day
09:00 – 12:00Parallel practical session 10 (with short coffee break)
Practical D: Reconstitution technologies of membrane proteins: liposomes and artificial bilayers 
Practical E: Native mass spectrometry on membrane adaptor proteins complexes
Practical G: Time-resolved X-ray crystallography, setups for going 4D and sample delivery for studying enzymatic reactions
Practical I: Cryo-EM grid preparation, data recording and 3D reconstruction
Practical J: Bioinformatics: AI tools and membrane protein modelling
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (02.228) & CryoEM facility (Basement)/ EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P14 beamline
12:00 – 13:00LunchCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, Ground floor
13:00 – 14:00Meet the expert session 2: 
“Biophysical Characterization of Ligand Binding to Membrane Transporter Proteins”
Dr. Nathan Adams – Nanotemper GmbH
“Biomolecular Characterization of membrane proteins with Mass Photometry”
Dr. Sebastian Joecks – Refeyn Ltd
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
14:00 – 17:00Parallel practical session 11
Practical A2: Transfection of HEK293F cells for recombinant protein expression and analysis of expression of integral membrane proteins
Practical D: Reconstitution technologies of membrane proteins: liposomes and artificial bilayers
Practical E: Native mass spectrometry on membrane adaptor proteins complexes
Practical I: Cryo-EM grid preparation, data recording and 3D reconstruction
Practical H: Time-resolved serial crystallography of integral membrane proteins in lipidic cubic phase
Centre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15, EMBL Laboratories (02.228) & CryoEM facility (Basement)/ EMBL Hamburg, 48e Building, Ground Floor, P14 beamline
17:00 – 17:30Coffee BreakEMBL Hamburg, Building 48e, Second Floor/Terrace
17:30 – 18:30Wrap-up sessionCentre for Structural
Systems Biology (CSSB), Building 15,Lecture Hall
19:00 – 22:00Farewell barbecue dinner

Practical information

Registration fees and motivation letter

The course is limited to 20 participants. For selection purposes, please note that your application will not be considered without a letter of motivation.


Registration fees include admission, course materials, meals and coffee breaks. This EMBO course includes accommodation and transportation to and from the DESY Guest House to the venue.

PhD Student€500

A letter to support your visa application will be issued, on request, once payment of the registration fee is confirmed. We recommend that you book your visa appointment as soon as possible, to avoid any delay with your visa application.

Confirmation and payment

The registration fee should be paid only after acceptance to the course. The results will be announced approximately 2-3 weeks after the application deadline.

Motivation letter submission

After you have logged in and successfully registered, you will receive an email asking you to submit your motivation letter. Click on the link provided and enter your motivation letter in the text box provided. Alternatively you can submit your motivation letter by clicking on the link on the confirmation page directly after registering.


  1. Include your relevant skills, experience and qualifications showing why you would be suitable for the course.
  2. Explain why you would like to attend, including what you can contribute and how you think you will benefit from the course.

Please note:

  • The limit of 2000 characters refers to manually typed text and excludes spaces. If an error occurs try using a different web browser (preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
  • If you copy-paste the text into the form, hidden formatting might still be included which may cause the text to exceed the 2,000 character limit resulting in an error message. We recommend you clear all formatting before pasting in the text.
  • If you have special symbols in your text, make sure you are using Unicode characters, otherwise these will not be recognised.

For detailed instructions, please watch our video on how to submit a course motivation letter.

Further details

For further information about registration and motivation letter submission please refer to the FAQ page.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance

Limited financial assistance is provided in the form of registration fee waivers, travel grants and childcare grants

Your place in the meeting is only confirmed by paying the registration fee, which is mandatory even when receiving a fee waiver.

Registration fee waiver

The fee waiver will cover the registration sum that you have paid to attend the course.

Travel grant

The travel grant will cover the cost of travel (airfare, train, bus, taxi, accommodation, visa, and/or registration fees*) and is provided up to specified caps which are normally as follows:

– up to €400 for participants travelling to an EMBL Course within Europe.

– up to €1000 for participants travelling to an EMBL Course from outside Europe.

– up to €500 for any participant travelling to an EMBO Practical Course.

– up to €1000 for any participant working in Chile, India, Singapore or Taiwan travelling to an EMBO Practical Course.

– up to €700 for any participant working in Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovenia, and Turkey travelling to an EMBO Practical Course.

*Registration fees are only covered for EMBO Practical Courses

The organisers may reduce the grant cap to accommodate more participants. Recipients will be notified of their travel cap amount when they are informed of the outcome of their application. Original receipts must be provided with your signature for all costs incurred within two months of completion of travel. Scanned copies cannot be accepted.

Childcare grant

There is the possibility to apply for a childcare grant to offset child care costs incurred by participants, speakers, trainers and organisers when attending a course. Eligible costs include (but are not limited to) fees for a babysitter or child-care facility and travel costs for a caregiver. Please note that priority will be given to early-stage researchers. There is a limited amount of funding available for the childcare grants and funds will be distributed amongst eligible applicants.


You may apply for financial assistance when submitting your motivation letter for courses. In your application, you will be asked to answer questions regarding why your lab cannot fund your attendance and how your attendance will make a difference to your career. Application for financial support will not affect the outcome of your registration application.

For the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grant, there is a pre-application question during the motivation letter submission process, and if selected you will be requested to complete a standard form and documentation consisting of your travel expense estimation.


The scientific organisers will select the recipients of registration fee waivers and travel grants during the motivation letter or abstract selection process. Results will be announced approximately 6 – 8 weeks before the event start date, however for some events this may be delayed. Selection results do not impact your admission to the meeting. Selection for registration fee waivers and travel grants is based on scientific merit, your current work or study location, the reasons for needing financial support, and the impact this event will have on your career.

Childcare grants will be allocated in the same timeframe (6-8 weeks before the event start date). Please note that priority will be given to early-stage researchers.


Costs will be reimbursed after the meeting only once a reimbursement form and original receipts (from travel costs) have been received.

Further details

See our list of external funding opportunities and for further information about financial assistance please refer to the FAQ page.

Accommodation and transport

Reservations for double room accommodation (single bed) at the Hotel Schmidt (Reventlowstraße 60, 22605 Hamburg) have been made.

Note, accommodation is included in the registration fee. There is a direct bus connection to the campus from outside the hotel and it is also right beside the train station Othmarschen.

Further information

Address: EMBL Hamburg, Notkestraße 85, Buliding 48e, 22607 Hamburg, Germany

From Hamburg airport take line S1 to Othmarschen (18 stops, 45 min), change to bus number 1 towards Rissen or Schenefelder Holt to Zum Hünengrab (DESY) (5 stops, 10 min).

From Hamburg-Altona train station take bus number 1 to Zum Hünengrab (DESY) (15 stops, 25 min). Ticket costs Public Transport: ca. €3.60 and a taxi will be around €45.

Technical requirements and event software

Technical requirements

Below you will find the software and technical requirements for this course.

  • A laptop with preinstalled software will be provided to each participant.

Event software

The EMBL eCampus learning platform will be used to collaborate, communicate and network with all of the course participants. All participants will receive information on how to join shortly before the course. We recommend using Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox browsers for eCampus. 


Sponsorship opportunities

We offer a variety of event sponsoring possibilities, with the flexibility to select a set sponsorship package or combine individual sponsorship options to suit your event budget. Discounts are available for companies sponsoring multiple events at EMBL Heidelberg. View other events, or contact sponsorship@embl.de for further information.

If you are interested in becoming a media partner of this event, please visit our media partnerships webpage.


EMBL wishes to warn sponsors of EMBL conferences and courses of fraudulent schemes purporting to offer sponsorship opportunities on behalf of EMBL or affiliated with EMBL officials. One current scam campaign of which we are aware is conducted using the name ‘Judy Eastman’ (judy@gopcontact.a2hosted.com) and entails approaches to sponsors offering sponsorship opportunities on EMBL’s behalf. Please be kindly advised that all relevant communication regarding sponsorship of EMBL conferences, symposia and courses is handled by EMBL directly and is sent from an official EMBL account. EMBL does not work with any external providers on sponsorship acquisition.

Please also note that:

  • EMBL never provides attendee lists for purchase. Any offers of such are fraudulent.
  • EMBL will never call or email you to ask for your credit card details or to request a payment.
  • All payments are on invoice.

Suspicious communications purportedly from, for or on behalf of EMBL should be reported to EMBL at the following email address sponsorship@embl.de.

Media kit

Want to let others know you’re attending this event? Take a look at our shareable media and feel free to use them in your social media channels or presentations.

Social 1080×1920

Social 1080×1080
Social 1600×900

PPT Slide 16×9

Date: 9 - 16 Sep 2024

Location: EMBL Hamburg




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