Science as storytelling: from facts to fictions – Course and Conference Office

EMBL Conference

Science as storytelling: from facts to fictions

20TH EMBL Science and Society conference


Conference Overview

In this meeting we will explore the role of narrative in the communication of science. If scientists are prone to see ‘storytelling’ as having ambiguous connotations, the narrative format of communication is more or less taken for granted when science is being communicated to non-expert audiences. Narratives are ideal devices for facilitating comprehension, interest and engagement. Narratives are intrinsically persuasive, which offers science communicators their privileged means for captivating and influencing audiences.

Science communicators, whatever the medium they work with, texts, lectures, documentary films, museum exhibitions, etc., are the real masters of wrapping content borrowed from science into stimulating eye-opening narratives. In the postwar period, science communication evolved into a distinct professional field in its own right, encompassing a variety of communication expertise. The main actors are science journalists, science writers, and science educators, but also, increasingly professional scientists who feel motivated to reach out to help improve public understanding of science and to popularise it.

Furthermore, what does narrative in contemporary fiction have to say about the human dimension of science? Are its practitioners villains or heroes, stereotypes or multidimensional characters? Has fictional portraying of science in divers media given rise to new narrative forms? What could be their role in science communication? Can a novel, film or play make science more approachable or facilitate understanding of ethical questions or arouse curiosity about scientific concepts?

Session Topics

  • The place of narrative in science
  • How we do science, publish science and communicate science
  • Science as a source of literary narratives
  • Science as a source of narratives in entertainment media

For more information about previous meetings in this series please check 
the Science and Society Website.


Keynote Speakers

Sean Carroll

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Oren Harman

Bar Ilan University



Liliane Campos

Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3


Michael Dahlstrom

Iowa State University


David Kirby

California Polytechnic State University


Kai Kupferschmidt

Science Magazine/ Süddeutsche Zeitung


Mary S. Morgan

London School of Economics and Political Science


Jennifer Rohn

University College London


Axel Meyer

University of Konstanz


Pernille Rørth



Mićo Tatalović

News Editor (Nature)


Scientific Organisers

Conference Organisers

Lea Hohmann

EMBL Heidelberg



Date: 24 - 25 Oct 2019

Location: EMBL Heidelberg
