Brian Kobilka
Stanford University
EMBO Workshop
EMBL is committed to sharing research advances and sustaining scientific interaction throughout the coronavirus pandemic. We are delighted to announce that the conference is going virtual and invite you to join us online. The virtual conference includes live talks from invited speakers, short talk presenters, digital poster sessions and networking opportunities.
Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) are encoded by 20-30 % of genes in a genome and provide key functions in the cell. Due to their hydrophobic nature, they are structurally and biochemically difficult to study. Traditionally, IMPs have been extracted using detergents which are a poor mimic of the lipid membrane and have been shown to denature membrane proteins. However, newly developed lipid-nanodisc approaches enable structural and functional studies of IMPs in a detergent-free, near-native membrane environment. Therefore, a central theme of this workshop is highlighting the importance of lipids in MP research and how they can be preserved.
Various experimental and computational tools, including novel expression and stabilisation strategies, have been developed to overcome the challenges posed by a variety of MPs. These technologies have delivered spectacular insights into membrane-protein structure, dynamics and function within the last few years. This conference will bring together researchers developing and applying these new methodologies. In addition to providing a forum to exchange the latest developments in the field, the conference provides excellent opportunities for early-career scientist in the field to learn all aspects of a variety of tools to study the structure and function of membrane proteins.
Stanford University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Weizmann Institute of Science
Goethe University Frankfurt
Hanyang University
South Korea
University of Bath
United Kingdom
French National Centre for Scientific Research
University of Geneva
University of California, Los Angeles
Saarland University
National Institutes of Health
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
University of Graz
University of Stuttgart
University of Zurich
Paul Scherrer Institute
University of Michigan
University of Regensburg
French National Centre for Scientific Research
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
University of Graz
EMBL Hamburg
EMBL Heidelberg
EMBL Heidelberg
Got something to say? Tweet it! #EMBOMPs
All times in the programme below are shown as the time in Europe/Berlin.
To find out the equivalent time zone in your location, enter Berlin, the programme time and date along with your city into the Time Zone Converter.
Time | Speaker |
11:00 – 11:15 | Opening remarks |
Virtual Session 1: New mimetics for MP research Chair: Sandro Keller – University of Graz, Austria | |
11:15 – 11:45 | Pendant-bearing Detergents for Membrane Protein Structural Study Pil Seok Chae – Hanyang University, South Korea AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
11:45 – 12:00 | Incorporation of SMALPs into Giant Unilamellar Vesicles by using droplet microfluidics Jorik Waeterschoot – KU Leuven, Belgium AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
12:00 – 12:30 | CyclAPols: a novel generation of amphipols combining solubilizing and stabilizing properties required for membrane protein studies Manuela Zoonens – French National Centre for Scientific Research, France AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
12:30 – 12:35 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 1 |
12:35 – 12:55 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 1: Pil Seok Chae, Jorik Waeterschoot and Manuela Zoonens |
12:55 – 13:35 | Lunch Break |
13:35 – 14:45 | Virtual Poster Session 1 (A – L) |
14:45 – 14:50 | Break |
Virtual Session 2: Expression and purification of MPs Chair: Markus Seeger – University of Zurich, Switzerland | |
14:50 – 15:20 | Advanced methods for high-level (membrane) protein production in mammalian cells Jonathan Elegheert – French National Centre for Scientific Research, France AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:20 – 15:35 | Expression and purification of P4-ATPase lipid flippases for functional and structural studies Guillaume Lenoir – Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) – University Paris-Saclay, France AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:35 – 16:05 | Cell-free expression of membrane proteins for structure & function Frank Bernhard – University of Frankfurt, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:05 – 16:50 | Keynote Speaker: Revealing the Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins Stephen Sligar – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:50 – 17:05 | Break |
Virtual Session 3: Biophysics of lipid bilayers Chair: Kristyna Pluhackova – University of Stuttgart, Germany | |
17:05 – 17:35 | Using polymer-stabilised nanodiscs to determine membrane protein structure and function Karen Edler – University of Bath, United Kingdom AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
17:35 – 17:50 | Evidence for a ‘trap-and-flip’ mechanism in a proton-dependent lipid transporter Camilo Perez – University of Basel, Switzerland AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
17:50 – 18:20 | Membrane asymmetry: Why membrane proteins might bother Georg Pabst – University of Graz, Austria AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
18:20 – 18:25 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 2 and 3 |
18:25 – 18:45 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 2 and 3: Jonathan Elegheert, Guillaume Lenoir, Frank Bernhard, Stephen Sligar, Karen Edler, Camilo Perez and Georg Pabst |
18:45 – 19:15 | Social programme: Virtual Bar Mixer |
19:15 | End Day 1 |
Digital posters and pre-recorded talks as well as discussion channels will be available for registered participants throughout the whole virtual meeting.
Time | Speaker |
13:00 – 13:45 | Social programme: Virtual Speed Networking |
Virtual Session 4: X-ray methods for structural research of MPs Chair: Thomas Schneider – EMBL Hamburg, Germany | |
14:00 – 14:30 | Femtosecond-to-Millisecond Structural Biology at SLS and SwissFEL Jörg Standfuss – Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
14:30 – 14:45 | Insights into glycine reuptake inhibition from the crystal structure of human GlyT1 as determined by serial synchrotron crystallography Azadeh Shahsavar – Aarhus University, Denmark AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
14:45 – 15:00 | Structural interrogation of transferred outer membrane protein of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus Rebecca Parr – University of Birmingham, UK AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:00 – 15:15 | Break |
Virtual Session 5: Binding proteins for structural and functional MP research Chair: Christian Löw – EMBL Hamburg, Germany | |
15:15 – 15:45 | Conformational trapping of membrane protein with sybodies Markus Seeger – University of Zurich, Switzerland AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:45 – 16:00 | Development of a universal nanobody-binding Fab module for fiducial-assisted cryo-EM studies of membrane proteins Joël Bloch – ETH Zurich, Switzerland AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:00 – 16:30 | N-terminal transmembrane-helix epitope tag for x-ray crystallography and electron microscopy of small membrane proteins Randy Stockbridge – University of Michigan, USA AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:30 – 16:35 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 4 and 5 |
16:35 – 16:55 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 4 and 5: Jörg Standfuss, Azadeh Shahsavar, Rebecca Parr, Markus Seeger, Joël Bloch and Randy Stockbridge |
16:55 – 18:05 | Virtual Poster Session 2 (M – Z) |
18:05 – 18:10 | Break |
Virtual Session 6: Advances in cryo-EM for small MPs I Chair: Jörg Standfuss – Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland | |
18:10 – 18:55 | Keynote Speaker: The role of protein dynamics in G protein coupled receptor activation Brian Kobilka – Stanford University, USA |
18:55 – 19:25 | MicroED: conception, practice and future opportunities Tamir Gonen – University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
19:25 – 19:40 | Insights into the bilayer-mediated toppling mechanism of a folate-specific ECF transporter by cryo-EM Chancievan Thangaratnarajah – University of Groningen, The Netherlands AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
19:40 – 19:55 | Structural snapshots of human PepT1 and PepT2 reveal mechanistic insights into substrate and drug transport across epithelial membranes Maxime Killer – EMBL Hamburg, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
19:55 – 20:25 | Monitoring lipids in Cryo-EM structures of membrane transporter and channels Christine Ziegler – University of Regensburg, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
20:25 – 20:35 | Break |
Virtual Session 7: Advances in cryo-EM for small MPs II Chair: Cristina Paulino – University of Groningen, The Netherlands | |
20:35 – 21:05 | A simple alternating access mechanism in urea/amide channels revealed by high-resolution cryo-EM Jiansen Jiang – National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, USA AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
21:05 – 21:20 | Activation of the melanocortin 4 receptor – a path to anti-obesity drugs Nicolas Heyder – Charité Berlin, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
21:20 – 21:25 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 6 and 7 |
21:25 – 21:45 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 6 and 7: Brian Kobilka, Tamir Gonen, Chancievan Thangaratnarajah, Maxime Killer, Christine Ziegler, Jiansen Jiang and Nicolas Heyder |
21:45 – 22:15 | Social programme: Living Room Concert with Lazy Fur |
22:15 | End Day 2 |
Digital posters and pre-recorded talks as well as discussion channels will be available for registered participants throughout the whole virtual meeting.
Time | Speaker |
Virtual Session 8: Cryo-EM and cryo-tomography on large MP complexes Chair: Panagiotis L. Kastritis – Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany | |
14:00 – 14:30 | cryo-CLEM of clathrin coated pits in intact cells Ori Avinoam – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
14:30 – 14:45 | Small molecule modulation of the Drosophila Slo channel elucidated by cryo-EM Tobias Raisch – Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Germany |
14:45 – 15:00 | Membrane protein phase separation in organelle assembly and membrane fusion Alexander von Appen – Max Planck Society, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:00 – 15:15 | Break |
Virtual Session 9: Mass spectrometry and single-molecule FRET on MPs Chair: Christine Ziegler – University of Regensburg, Germany | |
15:15 – 15:45 | Structural dynamics of membrane-protein folding from single-molecule FRET Georg Krainer – University of Cambridge, UK AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
15:45 – 16:00 | Liposomes as carriers of membrane-associated proteins and peptides for mass spectrometry analysis Melissa Frick – Interdisciplinary Research Center HALOmem, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:00 – 16:15 | Conformational coupling across the membrane bilayer of full-length Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in nanodiscs Shwetha Srinivasan – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
16:45 – 16:50 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 8 and 9 |
16:50 – 17:10 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 8 and 9: Ori Avinoam, Tobias Raisch, Alexander von Appen, Georg Krainer, Melissa Frick and Shwetha Srinivasan |
17:10 – 17:40 | Break |
Virtual Session 10: Computational methods to probe structure and dynamics of MPs Chair: Georg Krainer – University of Cambridge, United Kingdom | |
17:40 – 18:10 | Multiscaling molecular dynamics simulation of complex biomembranes Kristyna Pluhackova – University of Stuttgart, Germany |
18:10 – 18:25 | A near-complete structural model of the human nuclear pore complex scaffold Agnieszka Obarska-Kosinska – Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
18:25 – 18:55 | Molecular ensembles and free energy landscapes of membranes and proteins Jochen Hub – Saarland University, Germany AVAILABLE ON DEMAND AFTER LIVE STREAM |
18:55 – 19:00 | Transition over to Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 10 |
19:00 – 19:20 | Meet the speakers from Virtual Session 10: Kristyna Pluhackova, Agnieszka Obarska-Kosinska and Jochen Hub |
19:20 – 19:25 | Transition over to Panel discussion |
19:25 – 20:10 | Panel discussion: Current challenges and future direction of structural biology of membrane proteins Chairs: Sandro Keller – University of Graz, Austria Cristina Paulino – University of Groningen, The Netherlands Panellist: – Ori Avinoam – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel – Agnieszka Obarska-Kosinska – Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany – Camilo Perez – University of Basel, Switzerland – Kristyna Pluhackova – University of Stuttgart, Germany – Randy Stockbridge – University of Michigan, USA |
20:10 – 20:20 | Closing remarks |
20:20 | End Day 3 |
Digital posters and pre-recorded talks as well as discussion channels will be available for registered participants throughout the whole virtual meeting.
Registration Fees (include access to all of the talks, digital poster sessions and online group discussions, and help us cover our costs to run the event. For further information please refer to the FAQ page):
Academia | 190 Euro |
PhD Student | 140 Euro |
Industry | 240 Euro |
EMBL Staff | Intranet access |
Accredited journalists may be eligible to register for a complimentary registration. Registrants may be required to provide accreditation or equivalent proof of press membership after registration. Please contact Nathalie Sneider for more information.
Registration will be on a first-come first-served basis. Your place can only be confirmed after payment of the registration fee.
Types of payments accepted are international bank transfers and credit card payments.
Only registered participants are eligible to submit an abstract. We only accept online abstract submissions.
After you have logged in and successfully registered, you will receive an email asking you to submit your abstract. Click on the link provided and enter your abstract in the text box provided. Alternatively you can submit your abstract by clicking on the link on the confirmation page directly after registering.
When submitting your abstract you can also apply for an oral or poster presentation. A selection process will take place with the results announced 2-3 weeks after the abstract submission deadline.
Registration Fee Waivers
All academic and student registrants are invited to apply for a registration fee waiver, provided by the EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Programme and EMBO. The registration fee waiver covers the registration sum that you have paid to attend the meeting. Conference participants are not required to pre-pay the registration fee to be selected for a fee waiver for a virtual meeting. If you have already paid the registration fee and are awarded a fee waiver, it will be reimbursed after the meeting. Course participants are required to pay the course fee in advance, which will then be reimbursed after the recipient has attended the course.
For participants and speakers with childcare responsibilities there is the possibility to apply for a grant, provided by the EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Programme and EMBO, to offset childcare costs incurred when participating at a virtual event. Eligible costs include fees for a babysitter or childcare facility or travel costs for a care giver. Please note that priority will be given to early stage researchers. Costs will be reimbursed after the meeting only once a reimbursement form and original receipts have been received. In order to apply for this grant, you must be registered by the abstract submission deadline.
Applications for financial assistance can be submitted via the submission portal* (for the submission of abstracts for conferences or the submission of motivation letters for courses) by completing the Financial Assistance Application Section (underneath the section for entering abstract/motivation letter information). The link to the portal can be found in the registration confirmation email that you will receive after registering for the conference or course.
For conferences, if you are not submitting an abstract, you can still apply for financial assistance in the submission portal. Read the instructions on how to apply for financial assistance.
Note that priority will be given to those submitting an abstract to present at the conference. In your application you will be asked to answer questions regarding your motivation for applying, and, for registration fee waivers, the reasons why your lab cannot fund your attendance and how your attendance will make a difference to your career. Application for financial support will not affect the outcome of your registration application.
*For some events, applications for Childcare Grants will still be done by email. Information about the grant will be sent out shortly after the abstract/motivation letter deadline. Please contact the event Conference Officer if you have any questions.
The scientific organisers will select the recipients of registration fee waivers during the abstract selection process for conferences and the participant selection process for courses. Results will be announced approximately 3 – 4 weeks before the event start date. Selection results do not impact your admission to the meeting. Registration fee waiver selection is based on your current work or study location, your motivation for applying, the reasons for needing financial support and the impact this event will have on your career. Childcare grants are allocated based on career stage, with priority given to early stage researchers.
Check out this list of external funding opportunities or get more information on attending the conference as an event reporter.
For further information about financial assistance please refer to the FAQ page.
Please do:
Please don’t:
Additional information can be found in our Code of Conduct.
It is important to stay healthy and move around, especially when you are attending an event virtually. We have put together a few coffee break stretches and yoga videos in the events Slack workspace for you to enjoy during the event.
Questions during and after the talks can be asked in live streaming platform. The chair moderates the questions and shares them with the speaker. If time runs out or you think of a question later, you can use Slack to ask your questions in the dedicated session channels or via direct message.
The programme is planned based on Central European Summer Time (CEST), unless otherwise stated. As many virtual participants are attending from around the world, we do our best to accomodate as many timezones as possible when creating the programme. Please take your time zone into consideration when planning your attendance.
We are using a virtual event platform for this conference. More information about the platform will be shared ahead of the conference.
Media Partners
EMBO reports, an EMBO Press journal
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Open Biology, a Royal Society journal
Sponsorship Opportunities
We offer a variety of event sponsoring possibilities, with the flexibility to select a set sponsorship package or combine individual sponsorship options to suit your event budget. Discounts are available for companies sponsoring multiple events at EMBL Heidelberg. View other conferences, or contact sponsoring@embl.de for further information.
If you are interested in becoming a media partner of this event, please visit our media partnerships webpage.
EMBL wishes to warn sponsors of EMBL conferences and courses of fraudulent schemes purporting to offer sponsorship opportunities on behalf of EMBL or affiliated with EMBL officials. One current scam campaign of which we are aware is conducted using the name ‘Judy Eastman’ (judy@gopcontact.a2hosted.com) and entails approaches to sponsors offering sponsorship opportunities on EMBL’s behalf. Please be kindly advised that all relevant communication regarding sponsorship of EMBL conferences, symposia and courses is handled by EMBL directly and is sent from an official EMBL account. EMBL does not work with any external providers on sponsorship acquisition.
Please also note that:
Suspicious communications purportedly from, for or on behalf of EMBL should be reported to EMBL at the following email address sponsoring@embl.de.
Date: 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2021
Location: Virtual
Abstract submission: Closed
Registration: Closed
Contact: Nathalie Sneider