EMBL Courses and Conferences are a major European platform for sharing and expanding research, knowledge and contacts through face-to-face and virtual interaction
EMBL’s courses and conferences are advanced, innovative, open, inclusive, diverse, responsive, and sustainable. EMBL’s course and conference mission is to support the scientific community with a platform to communicate the latest science, exchange ideas, foster collaborations, educate, and promote the new generations of scientists. In an effort to promote the inclusion of the whole breadth of the scientific community, encourage diversity, and support the emergence of new generations of scientists, we are proposing an updated set of inclusivity criteria. These criteria specify targets for the composition and turnover of course and conference faculty, with the goal of providing diverse role models for course and conference participants. While we specify targets to balance gender and global participation, we have worked on the principle that diversity in all dimensions is to be encouraged. As stated in the EMBL Courses and Conferences Code of Conduct, EMBL is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming learning experience for everyone, regardless of individual characteristics.
The following guidelines for organisers and speakers apply for all conferences organised by EMBL.
The organising committee has a strong impact on speaker diversity as each organiser best knows the scientists and the ongoing science in their direct field of research. Rotating organisers should allow diversification of the profiles of invited speakers and increase the ability to promote emerging ideas and new concepts.
The following guidelines for organisers and speakers apply for all courses organised by EMBL.
Speakers and instructors:
The process should ensure that all who are able to benefit from the course are equally able to apply, through provision of accessible application mechanisms.
Selection of candidates should be based on there being a good match between the learning objectives of the course and the stated needs of the candidate, unbiased by other factors.
Depending on the applicants, the course should not welcome more than 25% of participants from the same institution’s host country. Same institutions have to be avoided in order to ensure a broader geographical distribution of the knowledge learned during the course.
EMBO Practical Courses have to ensure that the maximum amount of participants from the country in which the course is taking place should be respected.
Course organisers should aim for gender balance when selecting the final participants (at least 30% of the minority gender).
Organisers are recommended to not prioritise applications from organisers, speakers, or trainer laboratories.
In rare circumstances there may be places (no more than 30%) ring fenced for a specific audience (for example, BioIT courses that were initially designed for internal audiences; courses supported by Marie Curie Doctoral Training Networks that include places for students funded by that network).