
Courses and Conferences

EMBL Courses and Conferences are a major European platform for sharing and expanding research, knowledge and contacts through face-to-face and virtual interaction

External Funding Sources

As many host institutes and universities provide travel grants for their PhD students and postdocs, we recommend that participants contact them directly about funding opportunities. We have provided below a collection of external funding opportunities. While we will try to keep this website up to date, we cannot take responsibility for any eligibility requirements or changes to the funding opportunities.  If you know of any additional funding opportunities that should be added to this page, please contact us.

Biochemical Society


DAAD (In German)

Deutsche Stiftungszentrum (In German)

Early Career Researchers Central


Euraxess UK

FAZIT Foundation (In German)

Federation of European Microbiological Associations

Guarantors of Brain

International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)

Royal Society of Biology

Applied Microbiology International

The Company of Biologists – Disease Models & Mechanisms Journal
