symposium – Course and Conference Office


Our mission is to train scientists. This blog is a platform for us to share updates on our annual programme, tips and tricks for scientists, new e-learning opportunities, and sometimes just something to make you smile.

The EMBL Course and Conference Office was established in 1983 to support EMBL scientists in the organisation of conferences, medium-sized workshops, practical courses, EMBL internal and one-off events. 

‘Seeing is believing’ in science: unraveling the power of observation

Science, at its core, is an endeavour to understand and explain the natural world through empirical evidence and logical reasoning. While theoretical models and mathematical equations play a crucial role, observation lies at the heart of scientific inquiry. The phrase “seeing is…

EMBL ETC building and a green Earth with recycling symbol

Deutsche Bahn Event Ticket: Combining Convenience and Sustainability

One big challenge: organising sustainable events One of the main topics for the External Training department is of course organising sustainable events. Many aspects have been tackled already for example moving away from printing abstract books for conferences and thus saving paper, energy and…

How does the environment play a role in biodiversity?

In 2020, a few weeks before much of the world came to a standstill as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we held the symposium titled ‘The Organism and its environment’ where we talked about the impact the environment has on biodiversity and the role of research in solving global…

Best Poster Awards – EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Organoids 2020

The recent virtual EMBO|EMBL Symposium on Organ Development and Disease in 3D Culture saw the highest number of registrations we have had since we launched the format. A total of 880 researchers from around the world got together online to discuss recent developments in the formation and…

Best Poster Awards – Metabolism Meets Epigenetics

In its first edition, the EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Metabolism Meets Epigenetics brought together 289 world-leading researchers who examined how metabolites and metabolic networks impact gene regulation, what their roles are in disease and how this opens novel therapeutic avenues. In addition to…

Generating meaningful images – a report from Seeing is Believing 2019

By event reporters Liz Haynes @actin_crazy and Stephan Daetwyler @Daetwyler_St The field of biology owes some of its most compelling discoveries to careful visual observation. From Van Leeuwenhoek’s use of new microscopes to describe microscopic “animalcules” in the late 1600s, to Ramon y…
