
EMBL International PhD Programme

Unique in the world and waiting for you!

PhD Symposium

Started in October 2000, the annual EMBL International PhD Symposium in Heidelberg has developed into an acclaimed high quality scientific event from EMBL students for students all over the scientific world.

For this event, every autumn young researchers from numerous scientific institutes, mostly graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, gather at EMBL Heidelberg for listening to multidisciplinary lectures by top-level speakers and for communicating their own research results in poster sessions and panel discussions. The networking and contact-building between students and established scientists has always proven to be one of the highlights of the event.

Upcoming symposium

Past Symposia

Inspired by biology – Exploring nature's toolbox

23 – 25 October 2014

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Heidelberg

Competition in Biology: The race for survival, from molecules to systems

21 – 23 November 2013

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Heidelberg

Networks in Life Sciences

25 – 27 October 2012

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Heidelberg

From Science Fiction to Science Fact – What's next?

21 – 23 October 2010

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Heidelberg

Patterns in Biology

25 – 27 October 2007

EMBL Advanced Training Centre, EMBL Heidelberg

Click here for a full list of past EMBL PhD Symposia
