Developing Services for Exposome Research – Human Ecosystems

Human Ecosystems

Studying how the environment impacts human health

Developing Services for Exposome Research

On the 13th and 14th of January 2025, EMBL-EBI had the privilege of hosting coordinators from Europe and the US to explore the development of global services aimed at advancing our understanding of the exposome and its impact on human health.

The event opened with an inspiring seminar by Chirag Patel and continued with productive discussions and alignment of actions between EMBL-EBI service leads and representatives from hashtag#NEXUS, EIRENE RI | Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure, International Human Exposome Network and European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC).

With thanks to all involved including Gary W. Miller, Rima Habre, ScD, Chirag Patel, Jana Klánová, Elliott J Price, Helge Hecht, Richard Hulek, Eva Govarts, Stijn Baken, Etienne Blanc and representatives across European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI service groups.

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Helen Parkinson (EMBL-EBI) with NEXUS co-leads Rima Habre (Uni of Southern California), Gary Miller (Uni of Columbia), Chirag Patel (Uni of Harvard)

