

Next generation imaging for biology across scales

IMAGINE will provide technologies to probe structure and function of biological specimens in their natural context



During service validation, the RIs can challenge technology developments by providing access to real-world applications and research questions that support further refinement and ultimately drive the transition from invention to genuine innovation. Such early user involvement in the development, and the training the validation partners receive (WP10), further increases the already high technical expertise of the Nodes/Centres and underlines the European competitiveness of RIs at the forefront of Life Science imaging.

Work Package 10

Integration of services on innovative technologies across European RIs

WP10 will ensure that the Research Infrastructure staff in charge of service provision to the scientific community will be trained on operating and using the new technologies and tools developed in WP1 to WP6. It will include the organisation of online and in-person training events as well as shadowing visits of the technology and tools operators to the sites which have carried out the technology development. 

The work package is led by Euro-BioImaging. Additional partners include ESRF, Rosalind Franklin Institute, University of Ghent, Instruct ERIC, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Leica Microsystem, Arinax, and EMBL Heidelberg

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This project is funded by the European Union (GA#101094250). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 
