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Instruct-ERIC hands-on workshop on: Advanced cryo-FIB-SEM methods (21 to 25 July 2025) – EMBL Imaging Centre

EMBL Imaging Centre

Open access to cutting-edge electron and light microscopy

We provide researchers from Europe and beyond with a synergistic portfolio of imaging services including cryo-EM, super-resolution and intravital microscopy to enable new ground-breaking research that crosses the scales of biology.

Instruct-ERIC hands-on workshop on: Advanced cryo-FIB-SEM methods (21 to 25 July 2025)

Recent developments in cellular structural biology approaches revolutionized the researchers’ ability to investigate biological processes. The direct imaging of unperturbed cellular environments of vitrified specimens now allows to analyze the function and structure of macromolecular complexes within their native context. These approaches are based on complex multi-modal workflows that rely on access to both cutting-edge instrumentation and advanced technical expertise. To address the ever-increasing demand of access to in-depth training in this field, the EMBL Imaging Centre would like to offer a 5-day hands-on workshop diving into advanced focused ion beam – scanning electron microscopy methods under cryo conditions (cryo-FIB-SEM).

The workshop is aimed at PhD students, postdocs as well as facility staff with proven experience in basic cryo-FIB-SEM operations that would like to deepen their expertise in advanced sample preparation and imaging methods for cellular structural biology. The workshop will offer a synergistic combination of lectures and practical hands-on sessions supported by leading experts in the field, providing the participants with the unique opportunity to establish a broad network with international specialists in the field. The course will be held at the Imaging Centre of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (Germany), a cutting-edge infrastructure equipped with four cryo-FIB-SEM devices and two high-pressure freezers (HPFs) providing an ideal environment to host advanced training activities in which all participants will have the opportunity to have extensive practical experience. This course will enable the participants to: prepare thick biological specimen using high-pressure freezing for on-grid lamella preparation, implement cryo-CLEM correlative workflows for 3D targeting, set up automated lamella preparation (SerialFIB, Klumpe et al. 2021, eLife), and perform cryo-volume imaging data acquisition (Schertel et al. 2013,Structural Biology). The offered lectures combined with the hands-on practicals will thus enable the participants to apply the newly acquired expertise at their home institutes to tackle their own research questions.

The course will take place in July (21st to 25th) for 5 days. The course will be held at the Imaging Centre (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany) providing a well-established platform, work and training environment for cellular cryo-EM with excellent leadership as well as expertise in the field to support the course. The infrastructure at EMBL hosting 300 kV cryo-TEMs (4x), cryo-FIB-SEMs (4x) as well as high-pressure freezers (2x) as well as plunge freezers (4x) is the ideal place to be hosting this course.

The deadline of the application is 12th May 2025. Further information regarding this course can be accessed here.

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