
EMBL Imaging Centre

Open access to cutting-edge electron and light microscopy

We provide researchers from Europe and beyond with a synergistic portfolio of imaging services including cryo-EM, super-resolution and intravital microscopy to enable new ground-breaking research that crosses the scales of biology.

Training & Events

Training as a core mission to spread expertise across Europe

One of the core missions of the EMBL Imaging Centre is to provide training to scientists in general, imaging facility staff and our users.

Training can cover different imaging technologies and their biological applications and parts or the full experimental cycle, from sample preparation via the actual imaging process to image analysis.

We furthermore offer training focused on new imaging technologies and service workflows, together with researchers at EMBL and our industrial partners.

Key Visual for EMBL Behind the Scenes 2023.. CRedit: Anna Steyer/EMBL.

Courses and Workshops

Facility staff training

Individual user training

Courses and Workshops

With our courses and workshops we are extending EMBL’s outstanding existing course and conference programme in the area of imaging technologies.

  • Courses and workshops range from sample preparation, via the imaging process itself to image analysis.
  • Courses cover imaging technologies and various topics in life sciences applying or developing imaging technologies.
  • Regular user meetings are bringing together the EMBL IC community and the wider imaging community.
  • Dedicated hands-on workshops and summer schools for a small group of people are providing a deep insight and practical training on different expertise levels.

Facility staff training

To serve a  broad user community, beyond those that can carry out their experiments at the EMBL IC, we are providing dedicated expert training of international facility staff expert courses and job shadowing visits.

We want to accelerate the use of:

  • Newly service workflows
  • Services applying new imaging technologies
  • Special focus on correlative technologies

We are also working closely together with the Global BioImaging initiative, an international network of imaging infrastructures and communities that brings together imaging facility operators and technical staff, scientists, managers and science policy officers from around the globe, to network, exchange experiences and build capacity internationally.

Individual user training

Training of individual users beyond workshops and courses is an integral part of every project-related visit to the EMBL IC. The topic and level of training in closely aligned with the user’s needs.

It can covers the entire experimental workflow from sample preparation techniques, and microscope handling to image analysis, or only aspects of that.

The EMBL Imaging Centre training activities are generously supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation.
