
Infection Biology

Characterising pathogen interactions with the host at an atomic, molecular, and tissue level to tackle infection and antimicrobial resistance


EMBL’s infection biology transversal theme funds several initiatives to boost internal and external collaborations aiming to expand EMBL’s expertise and impact in infection biology.

Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology

This funding scheme aims to support collaborative projects in any area of infection biology between group leaders at EMBL and four collaborating institutions with world-leading expertise in infectious disease research—the Institut Pasteur, the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), and the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Selected projects will explore vital aspects of infection biology.

EMBL-UNESCO Residency in Infection Biology Research

This initiative follows EMBL-UNESCO MoU, focusing on advanced PhD fellows, postdocs, and group leaders primarily based in Africa. Encouraging applications from UNESCO OWSD and L’Oreal-UNESCO FWIS awardees, aiming to enhance research and capacity building in their home regions.

IBTT Synergy Grants

These grants aim to enhance infection biology research at EMBL by fostering collaborations between EMBL groups and external institutions. They help pave the way for future grants, introduce new technologies to infection biology, and strengthen EMBL’s ties to member states while filling expertise gaps in infection biology research.

IBTT Transition to Independence Grants

These grants aim to bridge the gap between postdoctoral positions and leading roles in academia for early career researchers at EMBL interested in infection biology. The funds will support an autonomously-led project by postdoctoral researchers, along with essential training and networking activities, to better prepare them for group leader positions.

IBTT Core Facility Microgrants

These grants cover costs at core facilities at EMBL by groups associated with the infection biology transversal theme to boost infection biology research.
